Linnocent caused a cracked-out scene by confronting her lover’s wife

Another day, another crackie extravaganza. You know what my plans are this evening? My mom is going to pick up some food for me and we’re going to watch this week’s episode of The Hour. That’s what I’m looking forward to today, and I seriously can’t wait. You might say it’s a simple joy, or that my life should really be more exciting. Perhaps you’re right, but I can guarantee you one thing: I will get so much joy and fulfillment from simply having dinner with my mom and watching one of my favorite shows than Linnocent will ever have with in the midst of one of her endless crack dramas. Beyond the crack, blow, liquor, pills and whatever else Linnocent is into, her biggest drug of choice is drama: she’s not living unless she’s causing a crack ruckus.

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