Princess Märtha Louise of Norway Is Engaged to Shaman Durek Verrett

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway Is Engaged to Shaman Durek Verrett

Her Highness Princess Märtha Louise, 50, of Norway is officially engaged to spiritual advisor Shaman Durek Verrett, 47, She break this news on Instagram, she wrote.

"I am so happy to announce that I am engaged to Shaman Durek, the one who makes my heart skip, the one who sees me and acknowledges me from my highest potential, who makes me laugh and who I can be vulnerable with. Love transcends and makes us grow. And I am so happy to continue to grow with this beautiful man."

"Thank you to all my friends and family who have stood steadfast by our side and special thanks to @hegecfossum et co. for your generosity and making our day truly special."

Shaman Durek also shared on his Instagram and wrote,

"She said YES!"

"When you know you know. There is nothing better than having clarity as a man that the woman that stands in front of you is the one. I'm overjoyed with tears that I get to spend the rest of my life with the most pure hearted, angelic, wise, powerhouse woman who represents all levels of a goddess in my eyes. Together as a soulful spiritual couple, we will use our power to support the people to create a world based in love and acceptance. Changing the world through our love. Love expands beyond all barriers and conditions. Love is free and transparent. It invites growth and foundation. It shows human beings we are more than our fears, our hate or social conditioning. Princess Märtha Louise is the love of my life. She sees all aspects of me, and I see all of her. I am a guy who loves a girl who loves me back. I get to show and demonstrate to this divine woman how much I love her for the rest of my life. I am the happiest I ever been."

"Thank you to @hegecfossum for your generosity and open hearts for assisting me to making this proposal exquisite."

"Thank you to my beloved family and friends. I love you!"