House of Horrors Survivor Jordan Turpin Revealed Terrifying Journey To Freedom

House of Horrors Survivor Jordan Turpin Revealed Terrifying Journey To Freedom

The courageous 21-year-old woman, Jordan Turpin, whose harrowing escape from the so-called "House of Horrors" opened up about life story in an interview with People. She said,

"At first it was scary. It's expensive, and you're not aware of how much you're gonna need, But I love design and decorating, and I'm a very organized person."

"Sometimes I walk into my apartment and literally think, 'Is this real?' I'm more independent and can just be myself. This is everything I ever wanted, I've been feeling like my life is about to actually start."

"I'm not ready to go into details about what happened to me in that home. I was very traumatized, and it's been a very scary journey, It was really hard to understand the first situation [with my parents]. Then going into another, that was just really, really hard. You have all these questions and you just don't get the answer."

"I still have nightmares. I can't imagine if I ever kept in contact with them, There's no way I would be able to heal."

House of Horrors Survivor Jordan Turpin Revealed Terrifying Journey To Freedom

"I was a fast learner and would literally want extra homework, Math, government and economics were the hardest, but that's why I liked them."

"It was so cool because I've never been around people my age other than my siblings, I made friends within two weeks. Every time someone would ask me questions [about my past], they'd say, 'She's too shy. She won't answer!' I loved it."

"It was always being put off," 

"They separated me from my younger siblings and basically left me to be homeless," 

"It was impossible to sleep. Every time my eyes would close, I dreamed about being [in my first foster home], I had to go to the emergency room a lot. I was really, really broken."

"I wasn't doing well, But I felt we weren't the only ones being treated wrong in the system — and I wanted to help my siblings."

"The people that really know they messed up were just gone, Some quit and said, 'I don't work here anymore.'"

"Jordan has a fighting spirit that has continued to blossom as she is finding new independence. Watching her embrace her autonomy has been a joy to witness. Independence comes with its challenges, but watching her grow in a sense of empowerment reminds me how strong and resilient Jordan is, And she is hilarious! Her humor, again, in the face of adversity, is striking."

"We have inside jokes and have so much fun together, After everything that happened, and after escaping, I'm so protective over each one. They always know they have me."

"I want to take what I went through and turn it into something positive, I want people to know they're not alone. There is a way out."

"The best thing that can happen to me is seeing that I made someone's day. Sometimes I get comments like, 'I can relate to this,' and that makes me so excited, I'm very thankful and blessed that I can be there to help others and make a difference."