Angelina Jolie Wrote In Honor Of Afghan Women - 'This Does Not End Here'

Angelina Jolie Wrote In Honor Of Afghan Women - 'This Does Not End Here'

Angelina Jolie is speaking up for the rights of women in Afghanistan.

The Academy Award winner, Angelina Jolie, 47, penned an op-ed for TIME about the horrors that Afghan women continue to face under the oppressive regime.

Julie wrote,

Angelina Jolie Wrote In Honor Of Afghan Women - 'This Does Not End Here'

"Overnight, they and 14 million other Afghan women and girls lost their right to go to high school or university, their right to work, and their freedom of movement," 

"a bright light during years of continuing violence and suffering for the people of Afghanistan," 

"been overturned with unimaginable speed."

"The daughters of Afghanistan are extraordinary for their strength, resilience, and resourcefulness," 

Angelina Jolie Wrote In Honor Of Afghan Women - 'This Does Not End Here'

"Yet despite the dangers, the greatest resistance to the reversal of women's rights in Afghanistan has not come from foreign powers, but from Afghan women themselves, who have taken to the streets," 

"There have been different chapters in Afghanistan's history and many dark moments. This is undoubtedly one of them. But I'm sure that this isn't the final chapter. The dream of a pluralistic, open Afghanistan built on the equal efforts and free voices of all its people may seem to be — and be in reality — a distant hope. But I know it's possible. This does not end here," 

Angelina Jolie Wrote In Honor Of Afghan Women - 'This Does Not End Here'

She also shared on her Instagram account and wrote,

"Sharing this piece I wrote for @time in honor of Afghan women, one year after the fall of the Afghan government. It cannot end here. #afghanistan"