Kim Kardashian Lost 6.2% Body Fat In One Year Shows A Full Body Scan Report

Kim Kardashian Lost 6.2% Body Fat In One Year Shows A Full Body Scan Report

Kim Kardashian promote BodySpec by sharing her body scan with her fans on Instagram.

The entrepreneur and reality star, Kim Kardashian, 41, get scanned her full body to get the detailed composition report regarding bone density and body fat by BodySpec.

Kim Kardashian Lost 6.2% Body Fat In One Year Shows A Full Body Scan Report

The BodySpec is a mobile scan company which provides a full body composition report that took approximately seven minutes to scan full body and generate a detailed report measuring the bone density and body fat.

Kim Kardashian shared Instagram stories sharing her full body scan and its report and wrote,

Kim Kardashian Lost 6.2% Body Fat In One Year Shows A Full Body Scan Report


The composition report showed that Kardashian has lost body fat around 6.2% in one year. Body fat percentage distinguishes fat from muscle and calculates the percentage of body fat in the body. This is different from Body Mass Index (BMI), which is is calculated based on a person's height and weight, and used by the healthcare system to sort people into four categories: underweight, healthy, overweight or obese.

The "ideal" measurements for BMI are based on problematic racial and societal biases that do not consider a person's ethnicity, gender or body makeup, and were created by using a sample of only white, European men.

Kim is now a days enjoying company of her daughter North and her designing skills and keep sharing her activity as well. Here is another example of her diverse experience working with young lady sharing shades, she wrote,