Hollyoaks Serial Killer Silas Blissett Murdered by Grandson Bobby Costello After The Villain Claimed His Final Victim

Hollyoaks Serial Killer Silas Blissett Murdered by Grandson Bobby Costello After The Villain Claimed His Final Victim

Hollyoaks serial killer Silas Blissett was murdered by his grandson Bobby Costello in a tense hour-long episode on Wednesday. 

Moments before his fatal death, the iconic villain - played by Jeff Rawle - claimed one more victim.

Silas returned to village earlier this month to carry out his final revenge on the residents of the village and to get his hands on grandson Bobby.

He once again targeted his long-time nemesis Mercedes McQueen who he kidnapped and left in his evil lair. 

But instead, it was police officer Lexi Calder who was the serial killers final victim after tricking her into thinking he is Bobby during the tense scenes.  

Hollyoaks Serial Killer Silas Blissett Murdered by Grandson Bobby Costello After The Villain Claimed His Final Victim

Silas' grande finale included the family playing on a giant chessboard to decide who would live and who would die. 

The McQueens came out on top once again after Mercedes saved the day when she knocked out Silas and sends her family to safety. 

Even though they are safe, young Bobby decided to stand by his mother and pushes Silas to his death on the electrified chessboard.

Mercedes was horrified as she watched her son murder with a smirk on his face, as Silas fell to his death. 

Picking up his cap and book, Bobby walks away from the crime scene triumphantly, leaving viewers wondering if he will follow in his grandfathers footsteps. 

Hollyoaks Serial Killer Silas Blissett Murdered by Grandson Bobby Costello After The Villain Claimed His Final Victim

Earlier this year, Bobby left his stepfather Sylver to die after finding him trapped in the rubble after an explosion. 

Despite begging Bobby to tell someone where he was so he could be saved, he instead told Mercedes he hadn't seen him. 

Silas made his Hollyoaks debut in 2010 and has reappeared in the village for many short stints over the past decade. 

Silas has killed seven residents of Hollyoaks village, including his own daughter, Heidi Costello

The E4 show teased that Silas would kill again later in the week but viewers were shocked to learn they had truly seen the last of him.

In Thursday night’s episode, Mercedes wakes up in a cell as she must explain to the police the series of events that led to Silas’ death,