Teddi Mellencamp Gives Health Update After Undergoing Surgery Following Stage 2 Melanoma Diagnosis

 Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave is sharing new details about her stage 2 melanoma after having surgery to remove cancerous moles.

Teddi Mellencamp Gives Health Update After Undergoing Surgery Following Stage 2 Melanoma Diagnosis

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, 41, previously shared that doctors believe she's predisposed to melanomas and that she would undergo a new plan for her treatment.

On Wednesday, she shared new images on Instagram following her latest procedure. She posted a photo of her back covered with multiple bandages and a close image of a surgical scar, writing, "Thank you Dr. Fairies and all the incredible nurses for taking such good care of me."

Following her latest surgery on Tuesday, doctors discovered that she had suspicious lymph nodes that were removed and are currently being biopsied. According to Mellencamp Arroyave, doctors will perform full genetic-mutation testing done for BRCA2 and other genes next Wednesday.

She wrote in the caption of the post, "Lots of questions about updates. Here is the truth; there isn't one, which may be one of the hardest parts about this. The waiting."

After revealing that she has been diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma months after removing a mole from her back earlier this year, she shared that she would be updating fans on her health progress.

She wrote on Wednesday, "I don't share this for sympathy- I am sharing because one of the things that keeps me going through all of this is your messages telling me you are getting tested."

She added that she will do her best to answer questions as they come, but will focus on moving forward. She said, "I am giving myself permission to crash on the days I need to and work my butt off on the rest, showing up for me, my family and all my streams of work to reach new goals. Life comes in waves and we will always be stronger for it… on the good days and the bad. 🖤."

Mellencamp Arroyave continued to thank her loved ones and doctors, writing: "I am grateful to my family, friends and husband [Edwin Arroyave] who welcomed my pain and anxiety with open arms. I 💕 you all so much and I just know I am going to kick this cancer's a**- with the help of my incredible doctors and nurses of course."