Director Patty Jenkins Says She 'Never Walked Away' from 'Wonder Woman 3'

Director Patty Jenkins Says She 'Never Walked Away' from 'Wonder Woman 3'

Patty Jenkins is breaking her silence regarding her involvement with Wonder Woman 3.

After it was previously reported that the third film in the Wonder Woman franchise is not moving forward, the 51-year-old director expressed in a lengthy Twitter post on Tuesday that she needed to provide "facts" about the situation.

Director Patty Jenkins Says She 'Never Walked Away' from 'Wonder Woman 3'

"When there started being backlash about WW3 not happening, the attractive clickbait false story that it was me that killed it or walked away started to spread," she wrote, in part. "This is simply not true. I never walked away. I was open to considering anything asked of me."

Warner Bros. announced in December 2020 that another Wonder Woman sequel was in the works. Before the film's production, Jenkins had been pegged to direct Disney's Rogue Squadron, making her the first woman ever to helm a Star Wars film.

"I originally left Rogue Squadron after a long and productive development process when it became clear it couldn't happen soon enough and I did not want to delay WW3 any further," she wrote.

"When I did, Lucasfilm asked me to consider coming back to RS after WW3, which I was honored to do, so I agreed. They made a new deal with me," she continued. "In fact, I am still on it and that project has been in active development ever since. I don't know if it will happen or not. We never do until the development process is complete, but I look forward to its potential ahead."

She added, "I do not want what has been a beautiful journey with WW to land on [a] negative note. I have loved and been so honored to be the person who got to make these last two Wonder Woman films. She is an incredible character. Living in and around her values makes one a better person every day. I wish her and her legacy an amazing future ahead, with or without me."

Jenkins concluded her post by thanking fans for their continuous support of the franchise.

Director Patty Jenkins Says She 'Never Walked Away' from 'Wonder Woman 3'

"Wonder Woman fans are often not the most visible in the media and online, but I want you to know that we have always seen and celebrated you and your importance. You were first and foremost in our minds every day we made the last two films. You are the best and most loving people and I look forward to always celebrating you," she said.

Following Jenkins' post, director James Gunn, who has worked on Warner Bros. and Disney films like The Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy, replied: "I can attest that all of [producer] Peter [Safran] and my interactions with you were only pleasant and professional."

In October, Gunn and Safran were announced as the new co-CEOs of DC Studios, formerly known as DC Films.

Director Patty Jenkins Says She 'Never Walked Away' from 'Wonder Woman 3'

Last week, Gunn responded to the reports that their visions aren't aligned with Jenkins, writing that "some of it is true, some of it is half-true, some of it is not true, & some of it we haven't decided yet whether it's true or not." He added that "building the next ten years of story takes time & we're still just beginning," and that they plan to "build upon what has worked in DC so far & to help rectify what has not."

"We know we are not going to make every single person happy every step of the way, but we can promise everything we do is done in the service of the STORY & in the service of the DC CHARACTERS we know you cherish and we have cherished our whole lives," added Gunn.

He continued, "As for more answers about the future of the DCU, I will sadly have to ask you to wait. We are giving these characters & the stories the time & attention they deserve & we ourselves still have a lot more questions to ask & answer."