Andy Roddick's Lip Finally Cancerous Tumor Free And Advice 'Put Sunscreen on Your Kids'

Andy Roddick's Lip Finally Cancerous Tumor Free And Advice 'Put Sunscreen on Your Kids'

 Tennis ace Andy Roddick has candidly addressed a repercussion of his illustrious tennis career: skin cancer.

During the latest installment of his podcast, Served, Roddick took a spontaneous moment to discuss his ongoing battle with skin cancer and delivered an impromptu public service announcement.

Prefacing his revelation with a note of caution, Roddick remarked, "I had an unusual morning today, so I feel compelled to share a general PSA right now. It might not be the most riveting topic for some of you, but I believe it's important."

Since retiring from professional tennis following his final match at the U.S. Open in 2012, the 41-year-old athlete disclosed grappling with various forms of skin cancer. "I've been contending with different types of skin cancer since my retirement," he disclosed.

Detailing his experience, Roddick disclosed, "[I] underwent surgery to remove a squamous cell tumor from my lip around five or six years ago." This aspect of his health journey, Roddick admitted, had not been previously discussed publicly.

Reflecting on his appearance, Roddick explained, "This morning, I underwent a facial laser procedure, hence the apparent bruising for those watching on YouTube. It might look like I've been in a scuffle."

Roddick's willingness to openly discuss his battle with skin cancer serves as a reminder of the importance of sun protection and regular skin checks, regardless of one's profession or lifestyle.

Andy Roddick's Lip Finally Cancerous Tumor Free And Advice 'Put Sunscreen on Your Kids'

As per information from the Mayo Clinic, "Lip cancer can manifest anywhere on the upper or lower lip, although it is most frequently observed on the lower lip."

Treatment for lip cancer typically necessitates surgical intervention, a reality echoed in Roddick's experience. "It's not fun," he remarked. "I reckon I'll be sporting some noticeable scars for the foreseeable future. I won't dwell on the 'poor me' aspect, because overall, I'm doing well, but it's crucial to emphasize the importance of sunscreen."

Roddick, who is a proud parent to eight-year-old son Hank and six-year-old daughter Stevie with his wife Brooklyn Decker, emphasized the significance of sunscreen application, especially for children engaged in outdoor activities like tennis.

"The repercussions might not surface when a child is young, but they could manifest later in life when that child is an adult," he cautioned.

As highlighted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, "The majority of skin cancers stem from excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. UV rays, a form of invisible radiation emitted by the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps, can inflict damage on skin cells."

The CDC advises the application of broad-spectrum sunscreen, which filters out both UVA and UVB rays, with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher before venturing outdoors. Furthermore, it stresses the importance of reapplication throughout the day, as sunscreen can degrade over time and expire, necessitating periodic checks of expiration dates.

Amidst jesting about his visibly irritated appearance, Roddick remarked, "It seems like I've been in a scuffle due to today's skin treatments."

With optimism for the future, Roddick expressed his commitment to regular skin examinations, noting, "I've made it a routine to undergo frequent check-ups, and thankfully, all seems well for now."

He concluded his remarks with a touch of humor, quipping, "That sounded like a Dr. Seuss-style cancer PSA announcement, didn't it?"

The Quran - Chapter Qaf : 16 - 18

Indeed, ˹it is˺ We ˹Who˺ created humankind and ˹fully˺ know what their souls whisper to them, and We are closer to them than ˹their˺ jugular vein.

As the two recording-angels—˹one˺ sitting to the right, and ˹the other to˺ the left—note ˹everything˺,

not a word does a person utter without having a ˹vigilant˺ observer ready ˹to write it down˺.

The study of this world shows that there is an unerring system of ‘recording’ in operation here. Man’s thoughts are impressed on the membrane of his brain. 

Every utterance a man makes is permanently preserved in the shape of sound waves in the air. Man’s actions are preserved in the external world by means of heat waves in such a way that they can be repeated at any time. 

All these are known facts of today, and these known facts are what make the Quran’s claim credible that man’s intentions, his utterances and his actions, are all in the knowledge of his Creator. 

All affairs of all human beings are entered in the registers of the angels.