Lindsay Lohan's new sobriety coach: Courtney Love!

Courtney Love teaching Lindsay Lohan how to clean up her act? This sounds suspiciously like a case of the blind leading the blind.
The 47-year-old Hole singer tells the latest issue of Details magazine she's helping Lilo beat booze and drugs because "nobody else will."

Ah, that it explains it then...she's the last beacon of hope!

Courtney reveals to the mag that LiLo is "further down the line than I was", and even recalls an incident where she tried to educate the 25-year-old.

"I went up to Lindsay's room one time and there was a show on called 101 Celebrity Oops' and I am like every other one, you know – boobs out, legs everywhere, throwing s—t at Madonna, you know, whatever.

"I'm like, 'Lindsay, look! Drugs are bad!"

Hmm…we're not sure the 'shout in your face' method is going to work, but hey, at least the woman's trying. Courtney also says she was clean before her late husband, Kurt Cobain started earning his millions, and that's when she "decided to become a junkie along with him."

According to the singer, she's been sober now for 6 years, which makes us wonder…could Courtney possibly be the light at the end of LiLo's tunnel?

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