Warren Beatty's transgender kid slams Cher's transgender kid, Chaz

Cher's son is probably the most famous transgender advocate in the world right now, but it seems not everyone is jumping on the 'we love Chaz Bono' bandwagon.
According to RadarOnline.com, the celebrity transgender kid war has started, with the daughter-turned son of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening bad-mouthing Chaz on his personal blog.

Nineteen-year-old Stephen Ira (born a girl called Kathlyn) reckons the ousted Dancing With The Stars contestant "has appointed himself as the representative of a group of people who are not all like him.

"He has said misogynistic…things about gender. I take particular issue with his comments on trans embodiment and on women," Stephen wrote on his blog, titled Super Mattachine.

Stephen went on to say he was angered by Chaz's comments that being transgender is like having a "birth defect," writing: "I do not have a birth defect…do not define me in that way, and do not define other trans people in that way unless they claim that label.

"I don't want a single person thinking this guy is the best of us," he wrote.

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