Cheryl Burke Revealed She Has Never Experienced an Orgasm During Intercourse

Cheryl Burke Revealed She Has Never Experienced an Orgasm During Intercourse

The professional dancer and model, Cheryl Burke, 38, opened up about her sex life and filed for divorce from husband Matthew Lawrence. She confessed,

"I've never really, I guess, had an orgasm before when it comes to intercourse, This doesn't reflect on any partner I've been with. It only reflects on me."

"I think the reason I didn't want to say it [at the time] was because I didn't want to hurt anyone, But that has nothing to do with the person, it has everything to do with me and my shame and my child abuse and my vulnerability."

"It feels so good knowing I'm not alone," she shared. "Some of you guys have gone literally years without it and because ultimately everyone is saying is there just hasn't been the right one yet and I think in society today, we kinda judge the fact that wait we have to have sex every week just to feel like we're enough and actually, don't agree."

"I used to have to want that and I think that was because I didn't think I was enough and validated myself through engaging in physical activity like that."

"This is really opening up my life, which I feel like comes natural, but I also have to be okay to open up my heart, This is a really trying time for me right now in my life, and I think naturally what I tend to do is I tend to build a wall. And I am not attainable in that sense, but I think this is part of my work, is to let that guard down regardless of feelings and being able to be okay with that."

"My fate is in [the listeners'] hands," she said. "They can choose whatever question we ask. It's all about building me up to get me ready to date, and doing the self-work and having them be involved."