Our Lives Are Forever Changed - Drew Scott & Linda Phan Become Parents

Our Lives Are Forever Changed - Drew Scott & Linda Phan Become Parents

The Property Brothers star Drew Scott, 44, and wife Linda Phan, 37, have announced their first baby boy together. They shared carousel of photos on Instagram with caption,

"Our lives are forever changed," 

Linda said, "Our new baby boy, he's a healthy baby, he's adorable, Other than pooped, I feel great, Very happy that he's finally here. I'm still in awe and in disbelief. I feel like every step of this pregnancy has taken me time to adjust. And then  as soon as I almost adjust, it's onto the next milestone or the next thing. I feel like I'm always playing catchup with my feelings."

Drew added, "amazing. It's this immediate love and this feeling you need to do everything you can to make them feel safe and make them feel loved,"