Dick Vitale Won "Jimmy V Award" And Gives Powerful Speech at 2022 ESPY Awards

Dick Vitale Won "Jimmy V Award" And Gives Powerful Speech at 2022 ESPY Awards

Dick Vitale accepted the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at the 2022 ESPY Awards.

The college basketball announcer, Dick Vitale, 83, opened up about his cancer battle, was presented with the award by John Hamm. Scroll down to watch his speech

Dick Vitale Won "Jimmy V Award" And Gives Powerful Speech at 2022 ESPY Awards

Vitale shared a powerful speech at 2022 ESPY Awards, Here is the video,

"No kid or child should be going through chemo or radiation," 

"[Cancer] doesn't discriminate, it comes after all, It doesn't matter race or religion, it will bring you to your knees. There's only one way to beat it, my friends, we have to raise dollars and give oncologists a fighting chance."

"Just remember: perseverance, plus passion, plus pride, equals 'win' in the game of life,"