P.P. Arnold Put Sexual Assault Allegation Against Ike Turner in New Memoir Soul Survivor

P.P. Arnold Put Sexual Assault Allegation Against Ike Turner in New Memoir Soul Survivor

P.P. Arnold made allegation of sexual assault against Ike Turner.

P.P. Arnold, the soul singer revealed her gray life in an upcoming "Memoir Soul Survivor" an autobiography and put rape allegation against Ike Turner. She shared on her Instagram account ,

"Good Morning Everyone, I just want to say thank you for all of the open minded feedback that you´re giving me and let you know that my book is about a whole lot more than the salacious things that you´ve heard about so far. "

"My book goes all the way back to my ancestry to share with you the roots of my Gospel and Soul musical roots. It is a story of Faith and how prayer has the power to change things. 

"It deals with my family roots growing up in Watts, Los Angeles and it is the story of my journey with and for my children out of an abusive teen marriage that lead me into an industry that I had never dreamed, imagined or thought of ever being a part of. God answers prayer and the unexpected always rules. "

"It deals with experiences and choices, sometimes wrong choices that I made as a young black woman searching to find my way through an industry controlled by men dealing with a lot of things that are just as relevant today as they were then."

"It also deals with the social, political challenges that we were facing back then, a lot of which we´re still facing now. "

"I hope you enjoy reading ´Soul Survivor´ and listening to my audio book. It´s a life filled with a lot of ups and downs and there´s a lot more to come as Soul Survivor only goes up to 1984."

"May God Bless and Keep you all safe and strong through these perilous times that we are living through. Keep The Faith!!!"

🙏🏾❤️✌🏾✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨ 🎶🎵🎵

She also shared her stance on "Telegram" which is as follow,

"What can I say? It was awful. I despised Ike on that level, but I didn't know how to express myself," 

"I was told Tina wanted to get rid of me because Ike was after me, If I had run to Tina or called my parents, it would have meant I would have [had] to come home."

"Sadly it was the way it was back then. I think it's a lot to do with slavery and how that affected the black man's psyche," 

"Mick was in heaven but Marianne was more interested in me, I had always been a good kisser and so was she. I tried to let myself go but I was also uncomfortable… ultimately it was Mick that I was infatuated with, not her. There was a plantation feel about it, like I was a plaything."

"She was a very special spirit. I haven't had a serious relationship at all since my daughter died. It's very difficult to find a good man just in normal situations. But, you know, it ain't over till it's over."

"Well I could do with one. What's important is where I am right now, How can I take all of these years of experience and just do something really great?"