Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

Darcey Silva's quest to find love hit a few roadblocks on Monday's episode of Darcey & Stacey.

After Darcey shot down her ex Georgi Rusev's attempt to win her back, she was frustrated that he was still reaching out to make amends.

"For him to come [to Miami] because Florian [Sukaj] asked him to, I believe there was an ulterior motive on his end to try to see me and his mind patch things up but there's nothing to patch up," she shared.

She added that didn't know if she could trust Florian anymore after he went behind her back to arrange Georgi's visit.

Meanwhile, Florian told Georgi that he "f---ed up" by trying to win Darcey back during their get-together. In a confessional, Florian added that he was "so pissed off at him" for not following their plans, which left both Darcey and Stacey mad at him.

However, Georgi tried to justify his actions in a confessional, sharing, "I got Darcey diamond earrings because every time when I go to the store, I see the earrings so, I was like, this is so beautiful, they shine beautifully like her. And the fact I was coming to Miami was like, this is the best kind of opportunity to give her something from my heart."

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

Florian realized that Georgi can no longer be his best man because he needed to make things better with Darcey. However, Georgi didn't take the news well and told Florian that no longer being in the wedding would make him "more sad."

Darcey was not ready to let bygones be bygones at a Miami art event. She admitted, "I'm still upset with Stacey and Florian and I just feel like I want to ignore them right now because I don't want to get into it in public, in front of everybody."

Darcey eventually told them that she felt "upset, sad [and] angry" after Georgi's visit. She added that she doesn't want to get back into "a broken relationship" after setting new boundaries.

Florian apologized for his actions and said Georgi would no longer be his best man, but Darcey needed further proof and encouraged him to call her ex. On the call, Florian told Georgi to "move on" and cut off communication with Darcey.

Georgi was hardly Darcey's only problem on the romance front. On a shopping trip with her daughters, she revealed that she found a photo of Cicero with another woman after they went on their first date.

"I saw this picture of Cicero on social media with another woman," she explained in a confessional. "It was posted around the same time we met. He was looking pretty intimate with her in that photo and I don't really know what to think about it."

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

She added, "I know Cicero and I are not exclusive but at the same time, [matchmaker] Michelle has a policy and this picture does not look good."

Despite her thoughts on the photo, Darcey decided to move forward with her plan for a double date with Cicero, Stacey and Florian.

"I feel like it's important for Florian and I to go on this double date because I want to show Darcey how much I love her and I support her," Stacey said in a confessional. "But I know there's this photo with Cicero hanging out with another woman on his social media. It could be anything. It could be a cousin, a friend, but either way it's something we need to address tonight."

However, Cicero was late to the date and the group wondered how long they should wait for him.

"Cicero's not here yet. I mean, it's been 45 minutes we've been waiting for him and he hasn't even texted, that's just rude," Darcey shared. "I'm just getting worried that I'm about to be stood up again."

After calling Cicero, she realized that he was, in fact, not coming to the date. Darcey was then determined to address his behavior with her matchmaker Michelle.

"This whole situation makes me want to have a sit-down talk with Michelle and tell her how I'm feeling," she said in a confessional. "She vetted him for me, so it's not just an issue between me and him, it's an issue with her too. Like, what did I get myself involved with? I didn't go into this dating journey with a matchmaker to get stood up."

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

She added that it was "a slap in the face being stood up" by Cicero.

Michelle agreed there was "no excuse" for Cicero flaking on their date but wanted to know why Darcey didn't ask him about the photo with another woman.

"At the end of the day, Darcey, I can't control him," Michelle said. "I want to clear that air because he did give me some feedback. He brought up just a couple of things."

Michelle told Darcey that Cicero was concerned about "the optics" of her sexy social media presence, which left her "a little shocked" because she said he had previously praised her for it.

"I'm not doing anything to hurt anybody," she explained. "I'm just expressing my own goddess-ness and beauty."

"I'm all for you expressing your goddess and your beauty, but the way your persona presents is just inappropriate," Michelle responded.

Darcey immediately got defensive. "Ok, I didn't ask for any of this. You're the matchmaker so if you're gonna match up with somebody, match me up with someone who's not judgmental on how I live my life," she said.

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

To add insult to injury, Michelle told Darcey he was worried about her alcohol consumption on their first date. She also reiterated that it was "important how you're presenting yourself."

In a confessional, Darcey admitted that she felt "very disrespected" by Michelle's comments, adding, "It sounds like Cicero is telling her lies about me ... I feel like she is blaming me for all of this. It's not right."

In light of their conversation, Darcey decided to longer work with Michelle. "I just feel like it's not really working out. I've done a lot of the work that you've suggested, being open to dating older and different types that I'm not used to," she explained. "But this whole journey with matchmaking and dating has been totally disappointing. Maybe I just kinda need to do it on my own."

However, Michelle was not entirely confident that Darcey would be able to do that. "I attempted to highlight some of these patterns of behavior that Darcey I don't think is aware of. She's still single and I can see why," she told cameras.

Before ending the conversation, Michelle gave one final piece of ruthless advice. "Look back at all the failed relationships, the common denominator is you," she said. "I wanted to recommend and suggest — I have some really amazing friends that are great therapists."

"Wow," Darcey replied, appearing surprised and insisting that she has already done "a lot of the inner work."

"There's more work to be done," Michelle responded.

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'

Darcey could not believe what had transpired, saying, "I hired Michelle to be my matchmaker, not a shrink. I didn't sign up for some mental health assessment here. It's a low blow. That shows the type of person she is. She wants to do a dig back after I said I wanted to part ways. She said I needed therapy. She needs to take her own advice. I definitely picked the wrong matchmaker."

Elsewhere in Monday's episode, tensions over finances came up again when Stacey and Florian toured another wedding venue with their wedding planner Danielle.

When Florian learned the wedding would cost $40,000, he called it "a waste of money." Stacey didn't understand his issue because she is paying for everything. She added, "If you really cared, you would be working right now."

In a confessional, Stacey admitted that she was "so frustrated" with the situation and she thought Florian could be trying to "sabotage" their wedding.

"I'm starting to feel like he doesn't even have a say anymore because he's not contributing," she added before booking the venue.

However, after their fight at the wedding venue, Florian decided to "take action" and go to a model casting call. The modeling scout thought Florian had "a very unique look" and gave him the job, despite him needing more practice as a model.

Still though, he was upset to learn he would only be making $150 for half a day of work.

Darcey & Stacey airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

Darcey Silva Is Insulted After Matchmaker Blames Her for Failed Relationships: 'The Common Denominator Is You'