'MAFS' Cast Encourages Mack and Dom to Make Their Marriage Work as Couple Considers Calling It Quits

'MAFS' Cast Encourages Mack and Dom to Make Their Marriage Work as Couple Considers Calling It Quits

It's not over for Domynique and Mackinley — at least not yet.

In Wednesday's Married at First Sight episode, the whole season 16 cast stages an intervention when Mack and Dom reveal they're calling off their marriage early.

Though Mack and Dom's specific grievances aren't featured in the exclusive clip, Nicole shares her honest take on the relationship. She's also a firm believer that Mack and Dom can make things work.

"I really like you. I care about you a lot," Nicole says to Dom. "I really like you two as a couple, and I say this out of love, but you are going to regret this. You will regret not even trying."

After a moment of silence from Dom, Nicole continues: "Just playing devil's advocate here. Listen, it's your relationship, I don't know the ins and outs. But is there any scenario where maybe taking a little time apart and starting fresh could help?"

'MAFS' Cast Encourages Mack and Dom to Make Their Marriage Work as Couple Considers Calling It Quits

This changes the mood of the room a bit. Dom quietly responds, "Maybe," which is met with applause from the entire room.

"Cheers to maybe!" the cast says, raising their glasses.

It turns out, Mack feels similarly. When asked the same question, he gives a "yes."

What comes next for the couple is still unknown, but it seems some time apart — with the intention of reconciling — could be their next step.

Previously on MAFS, Dom and Mack butted heads about living situations and values. Following their tumultuous honeymoon, Mack expressed his honest frustrations with their relationship.

'MAFS' Cast Encourages Mack and Dom to Make Their Marriage Work as Couple Considers Calling It Quits

"I don't hate your guts by any means. And I've expressed multiple times that you're a great person," Mack told Dom. "I feel like I've been spiraling since the honeymoon. I feel like every day there's something else about me that you don't like, and I've made compromises over and over — whether it's horseback riding, the sailboat, the dogs."

"I just feel like there's no compromise on your end. It's just been over and over things that I'm doing wrong," he added.

To cameras, Dom expressed her side. "The negative attitude, the pettiness, and then, like, no apartment — all of these things just kind of combining for me — I cannot," she said, as she decided not to live with Mack. "So yeah, sorry, no. I'm not moving in. I'm gonna go home and take a bath."

Married at First Sight, produced by Kinetic Content, airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on Lifetime.

'MAFS' Cast Encourages Mack and Dom to Make Their Marriage Work as Couple Considers Calling It Quits