Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher Opens Up About Freezing Her Eggs: 'Took My Future into My Control'

The reality star revealed she was able to retrieve three eggs the second time around after retrieving 10 eggs the first time she did the procedure

Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher Opens Up About Freezing Her Eggs 'Took My Future into My Control'

Daisy Kelliher is getting candid about her experience undergoing a second round of freezing her eggs

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht star, 37, shared in a series of posts on Instagram that she opted to freeze her eggs a second time in order to give herself the best chance at possibly having a child in the future. 

In her first post, she shared a selfie before the procedure dressed up in a hospital gown and with a blue hair bonnet on. She followed it up with a video of a friend asking her how she was doing as she laid in a clinic bed. “Good. [I’m] just very tired and bloated, [and] I have cramps,” she responded. 

She echoed this in her caption, revealing that it had been “over a week” since she had the procedure, and the “main physical symptoms” she experienced throughout the process were “bloating, tiredness” and hunger, which all disappeared after it was completed. She also noted that she “went in quite prepared” this time as she knew the process, though she had some difficulty with the “time frame” she chose for the procedure.

The chief stewardess noted that she had partnered with Apricity Fertility Clinic for this round of freezing her eggs, and going into it the “aim was to get five eggs.” However, the doctor was only able to secure “three eggs” from “six follicles,” adding that they weren’t “sure why this happened.” 

“I was pretty upset,” Kelliher admitted. “To have an expectation and to not reach that expectation was obviously very disappointing, for me personally physically it’s fine but mentally I find the whole thing so draining.”

“Nine months ago I got 10 eggs and now three, it creates intrusive thoughts in your head,” she added.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher Opens Up About Freezing Her Eggs 'Took My Future into My Control'

In a follow-up post, the reality TV star shared another photo of herself smiling after the procedure in a clinic bed. She said she wanted to document “this journey for women looking for information,” and was feeling “so much better about it all now.”

“I took my future into my control and I have 13 frozen eggs to use if I wish to do so in the future,” she wrote. “This doesn’t guarantee a baby but guarantees I did what I could for when the time is right.”

She continued, “My thoughts are with anyone going through any fertility experience at the moment, in the past or in the future, and thank you to everyone for the overwhelming love and support throughout my experience.”

In an Instagram video posted earlier this month, she previously explained why she wanted to follow through with a second egg retrieval, saying that since her first round had gone so well, she thought she ought to try again in the hopes of having a family in the future.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher Opens Up About Freezing Her Eggs 'Took My Future into My Control'

"The reason I decided to freeze my eggs is because I was 36, now I'm 37 and I am still single. I would like the option to have a family," she said in the clip. "At the moment, I would like a family, but if that doesn't happen, that's okay."

Kelliher is set to star in the fifth season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht, which premieres on Oct.7 at 9/8 ET on Bravo.

The Quran - Chapter Al - Jin: 21 - 22

Say, “It is not in my power to harm or benefit you.”

Say, “No one can protect me from Allah ˹if I were to disobey Him˺, nor can I find any refuge other than Him.