Jennifer Flavin Stallone Opened Up About Her Separation from Sylvester Stallone

Jennifer Flavin Stallone Opened Up About Her Separation from Sylvester Stallone

Scarlet Stallone had the best moving team around — her older sisters Sophia and Sistine and mom Jennifer Flavin — when she moved into her own apartment ahead of the start of the new semester. But after Jennifer and daughters Sophia, 26, and Sistine, 24, left 20-year-old Scarlet to settle in on Wednesday’s episode of The Family Stallone, the mother of three lamented becoming an empty nester. Jennifer, 54, told her two eldest daughters,

“I was thinking about Scarlet, My greatest joy in life is being a mom and her being the last to move out, it’s really, really difficult for me and I’m having a really hard time. I just have to figure out who I am now because I don’t really know what I like to do because all I like to do is be your mom.”

After Scarlet moved out, Jennifer filed for divorce from her husband Sylvester Stallone on Aug. 19, 2022. (They reconciled the next month.). Jennifer said in an on-camera interview,

“For me being an empty nester now, this is a real tricky time in my life, It’s the first time I’ve had to really look deep into my heart and figure out what I like doing.”

Jennifer brainstormed with her daughters on some possible hobbies she could pick up.

“I never played golf or played tennis or deep-sea fishing, I don’t know, I don’t even know what I like. I don’t even know.”

Jennifer Flavin Stallone Opened Up About Her Separation from Sylvester Stallone

Later in the episode, Jennifer, Sophia and Sistine tried their hand at fishing. Meanwhile, Sylvester, 76, missed out on Scarlet’s move because he’d been filming Tulsa King. The actor tried giving Scarlet a call from set to touch base, but caught her on her way out the door. Sylvester said in a confessional interview to the outlet,

“One of the most frustrating things in the world for a parent I think is when you call your child, they’re too busy to talk to you, They’re somewhere else. They’ve fallen off the planet. You don’t know. And it drives me crazy because I tried to instill that in Scarlet from the beginning, and obviously, it bounced off.”

“I thought Tulsa King would be not hard at all, but it’s been six months in Oklahoma, I don’t want to be away anymore. I feel as though I’ve missed so much, such as Scarlet moving out. It hurts.”

Jennifer Flavin Stallone Opened Up About Her Separation from Sylvester Stallone

As a result, Sylvester paid Scarlet a surprise visit. Sylvester told Scarlet at her apartment,

“I was doing Tulsa King and I was feeling very guilt-ridden,”

Scarlet said to her dad,

“You don’t have to feel bad, This is your job.”

Still, the Rambo star felt bad. He replied,

“I think it’s important to really cherish these days, You want to spend your time currency where it matters, which is here.”

New episodes of The Family Stallone drop Wednesdays on Paramount+.

Jennifer Flavin Stallone Opened Up About Her Separation from Sylvester Stallone