John Leguizamo Advocates for a National Latino Museum 'Big Thing I Want to Do Before I Die'

John Leguizamo Advocates for a National Latino Museum 'Big Thing I Want to Do Before I Die'

Actor John Leguizamo is ratcheting up his advocacy for the National Museum of the American Latino, calling it his goal and a "big thing" he wants to complete before he dies.

"I got to meet a lot of really important people to further my agenda," Leguizamo said as he walked out of Tammy Haddad's annual "Garden Brunch," which takes place in Washington, D.C. on Saturday morning of the White House Correspondents' Dinner. "I'm there to get the Latino museum on the mall, and that's a big thing I want to do before I die, my mission."

The John Wick actor said he plans to meet with senators, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, to discuss the museum's future.

"It's stalled in terms of location." We don't want the museum to be too far away because it makes us feel inferior, as if it doesn't matter. Because we are so important, we need to be on the [National] Mall. "We've given 500 years," he says.

"We discovered America, built America, suffered in America, and contribute $2.8 trillion to the economy of this country every year." If we were our own country, we would have the world's fifth-largest economy. Greater than Brazil, greater than the United Kingdom. Greater in size than Italy. What happens next? "And now what?" he asks.

Leguizamo, who was born in Colombia's capital of Bogota, is a vocal champion for Hispanic representation in the media and entertainment industries. HotGossipNewz QUESTIONED HIM ON HOW HE RATES THOSE INDUSTRIES ON THAT ISSUE.

"It's pitiful. I mean, white people make up only 59 percent of the population, so where should they live? How much land should they have? Let's suppose it's at least 60%. "We're at 20% of the population and less than 2% of politicians, less than 2% to 3% of leadership roles, and less than 1% of editors and journalists," he argues.

"And it's not for a lack of trying or a lack of talent; it's because we're not allowed in." We are not questioned. When we inquire, we are turned down. That is the situation," he explained.

He also claimed that there is insufficient Latino representation on primetime television.

"I'm looking for 20%." We make up 20% of the population. Give me 20%, even though we over-index in terms of what we contribute financially to this country, even though we over-index in terms of box office, with over 30% of the US box office and $4 billion in streaming revenue in America, but we're less than 2% of the leads," Leguizamo remarked. "No, it's not acceptable. It is not acceptable, and it must be changed immediately."

Leguizamo urged television and film executives to "greenlight" more Latino-pitch projects.

"They must approve our projects." "I keep pitching, and they keep denying and making excuses," he explained. "There are too many excuses." Just green light our s--- and turn us on."
John Leguizamo Advocates for a National Latino Museum 'Big Thing I Want to Do Before I Die'