Benny Blanco Claims Consuming Olive Oil Before Drinking Can Prevent Hangovers Spark has Sparked Interest

Benny Blanco Claims Consuming Olive Oil Before Drinking Can Prevent Hangovers Spark has Sparked Interest

 Benny Blanco recently shared a seemingly simple hangover remedy, but does it actually work?

The 36-year-old producer, who has been making headlines for his relationship with Selena Gomez, 31, appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon earlier this month and divulged his secret for avoiding the dreaded next-day effects of drinking: olive oil.

During the segment, Blanco mentioned that he learned this trick from a friend. "These old guys from Italy came in. They said, ‘Before you drink, you take a shot of this, you can’t get hungover. Impossible.' " Both Fallon and Blanco playfully put the theory to the test, taking a shot of olive oil before having a sip of their alcoholic beverages.

Benny Blanco Claims Consuming Olive Oil Before Drinking Can Prevent Hangovers Spark has Sparked Interest

Despite Blanco’s claims, olive oil may not actually be the best solution for preventing hangovers. Registered dietitian Megan Huff explains that there isn't direct scientific evidence to support that olive oil guarantees results against the unpleasant effects of alcohol overconsumption.

“Only 20% of alcohol is absorbed by the stomach,” she explains. "So, the rest will be absorbed through the small intestine. From there, it undergoes metabolism by the liver and will still lead to hangover symptoms such as dehydration and headaches."

Kim Shapira, another registered dietitian and founder of the Kim Shapira Method, suggests that since "extra virgin olive oil is a high-fat monounsaturated oil, it will slow down digestion and thereby, slow some alcohol absorption."

Shapira theorizes that the reason people speculate that olive oil will help slow down alcohol absorption is because of the antioxidants it contains. “These antioxidants help with maintaining the immune system and decrease inflammation overall,” she says.

Drinking Alcohol is Forbidden, It has few benefits but serious consequences as well.

She further explains that some people may also be missing alcohol dehydrogenase, a key enzyme that helps the body break down alcohol. Explaining, Shapira says, "Women actually have less of this enzyme than men and as we age, we end up with even less. So people who have high levels of alcohol dehydrogenase don't have the common hangover symptoms someone else may have, and they're [maybe] mistaking it for olive oil."

So what’s truly the best way to prevent a hangover? Both Huff and Shapira recommend simply staying hydrated.

“Reach for water or coconut water — they are both excellent choices for hydration,” Huff says. “Electrolyte drinks are also effective since they replenish vital electrolytes.”

The Quran - Chapter Adh-Dhariyat : 28 - 27

˹They did not eat,˺ so he grew fearful of them. They reassured ˹him˺, “Do not be afraid,” and gave him good news of a knowledgeable son.

فَأَوْجَسَ مِنْهُمْ خِيفَةً (So he felt some fear in his heart...51:28). When the guests did not eat the food, the Holy Prophet Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) conceived fear of them. 

In those days it was the custom of the noble people to entertain the guests who were expected to accept the hospitality of the host. 

If they did not, the host would become apprehensive that there is some danger afoot - probably they are enemies who came to cause some kind of trouble for them. 

In those days, even the rogues and wrongdoers had the noble quality that they would not cause any harm to anyone whose food they had eaten. Hence refusing to eat was a sign of hostility or danger.