Leah McSweeney Heartbroken After Being Diagnosed with Lyme

Leah McSweeney, Real Housewives of New York Star, Heartbroken After Being Diagnosed with Lyme Disease

The 41-year-old Leah McSweeney reality tv star of Real Housewives of New York shared the news on her Instagram Story Thursday morning, uncovering that she had been determined to have another contamination called Lyme illness.

"I'm so stunned," she inscribed a photograph of the consequences of her blood test, it was "another disease" and not a "constant" one to add to it.

"Kindly send me examples of overcoming adversity of how you've recuperated from Lyme," she composed. “It’s a new infection, not a chronic one.” 

Leah also apologized to her friends who she had canceled on in recent months, saying, “I feel like shit.” 

In another post, Leah shared a picture of what appeared to be multiple vials of her blood, captioning it, “Everything is great.”

What is Lyme illness? 

Lyme infection is an illness brought about by being chomped by a tick conveying the Borrelia microorganisms. Side effects commonly start with a rash or fever.

Notwithstanding, other more serious side effects might incorporate joint agony, loss of vision, a debilitated resistant framework that can prompt unpredictable heart beats, and joint pain.

The Mayo Facility recommends that any individual who suspects they might have contracted Lyme infection ought to see a specialist.

Nonetheless, a considerable lot of the side effects of Lyme infection are connected with different circumstances. Ticks conveying Lyme illness are commonly tracked down in the Midwest and Upper east districts of the US, as well as in southeastern Canada.

These ticks are generally dynamic throughout the spring, summer, and fall for a long time in lush and green open air regions.

Leah McSweeney, Real Housewives of New York Star, Heartbroken After Being Diagnosed with Lyme Disease

McSweeney's finding comes closely following a wild year for the truth star. Recently, she recorded a claim against Andy Cohen and Bravo Media, as well as NBC General Media and Warner Brothers.

Discovery production companies and producers, accusing them of promoting a “rotted” culture for many of their reality TV stars that encouraged them to drink alcohol. 

The suit also claims that the defendants failed to provide a safe working environment for McSweeney and her disabilities, including “alcohol use disorder” and “mental health disorders.” The suit was filed in February in New York’s Southern District.

I know it's difficult to go up against such a powerful person, and I understand that people may disagree with me or even attack me and cause blowback, and that's okay, too, because it's the truth,” McSweeney said on an episode of Addiction Talk, a talk show hosted by American Addiction Center, in March. 

I’ve got it in my pocket, and I’ve got a plan.” In May 2024 Bravo confirmed that it had completed its investigation into McSweeney’s claims and Glanville against Andy Cohen. 

A spokesperson for Bravo shared a statement that read in part: “The independent inquiry into the allegations made against Andy Cohen by Leah and Brandi McSweeney has been completed and the allegations were found not to be substantiated.”

The Quran - Chapter Adh-Dhariyat : 29

Then his wife came forward with a cry, clasping her forehead ˹in astonishment˺, exclaiming, “˹A baby from˺ a barren, old woman!”

فَأَقْبَلَتِ امْرَ‌أَتُهُ فِي صَرَّ‌ةٍ (So his wife came forward with a clamour,...51:29). The word sarrah means vociferation or clamour or most vehement clamour of crying. Sarir is the sound of a pen when it is writing. 

When Sayyidah Sarah ؓ heard that the angels were giving good news to her husband Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) of the birth of a son, she thought that this news was as good to her as it was to her husband, for the son would be theirs, and therefore, they both were getting some good news. 

As a result, she involuntarily screamed loudly, she struck herself upon her forehead as women do when confronted with an amazing thing and said: and slapped her own face and said, عَجُوزٌ عَقِيمٌ "A barren old woman?" meaning 'How can I give birth while I am an old woman? And even when I was young I was barren and could not have children.' 

The angels replied that Allah has power over all things and therefore this would happen even so: "This is how your Lord has said." 

Thus when Holy Prophet Ishaq (علیہ السلام) was born, Sayyidah Sarah ؓ was ninety-nine years old and Holy Prophet Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) was one hundred years old. (Qurtubi)