Faye Dunaway Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

Faye Dunaway Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis in New Documentary 'There Were Tough Times'

 Faye Dunaway candidly discusses her bipolar disorder diagnosis in the new documentary, "Faye," premiering at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. 

The 83-year-old actress made a rare red carpet appearance at the event in France on May 15, alongside her son Liam O'Neill.

The documentary, described by the festival as a courageous exploration of Dunaway's struggles with mental health, delves into her bipolar disorder, family history, and the lasting impact of the intense characters she has portrayed. 

The film features interviews with notable stars like Sharon Stone, Mickey Rourke, and James Gray.

In "Faye," the Oscar-winning "Network" star opens up about her mental health journey. 

According to Page Six, Dunaway shares, “I worked with a group of doctors who analyzed my behavior and prescribed medication they believed would help me. And it did."

Faye Dunaway Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis in New Documentary 'There Were Tough Times'

Dunaway reflects on the challenges of her career, noting, “People know there were tough times. I don't mean to make an excuse about it. 

I am still responsible for my actions. But this is what I came to understand was the reason for them. It's something you need to be aware of and manage properly."

She emphasizes the importance of treatment, describing bipolar disorder as "a part of my makeup." Dunaway adds, “Thank God there is medication and there are studies and doctors who specialize in this. 

I’ve benefited greatly from that. Medication is crucial; without it, you fall back into what is there psychologically and biologically.”

Laurent Bouzereau, the director of "Faye" and a friend of Dunaway’s son, Liam, shares insights in a Q&A on the Cannes Film Festival website. 

He explains that Dunaway initially felt "stressed" about making the unscripted documentary. "Faye is used to working from a script. 

But this was real life. No script. No rehearsal. And she was very stressed by the process. I thought it was very courageous of her to do this," Bouzereau says.

Faye Dunaway Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis in New Documentary 'There Were Tough Times'

By the end of the filming, Bouzereau notes, “She started trusting us. I think it was very cathartic for her because she got to talk about everything she’s never really mentioned before.”

Produced by HBO Documentaries, "Faye" is a poignant look at the life and struggles of one of Hollywood’s legendary actresses.

The Quran - Chapter Adh-Dhariyat : 50 - 55

So ˹proclaim, O  Prophet˺: “Flee to Allah! I am truly sent by Him with a clear warning to you.

And do not set up another god with Allah. I am truly sent by Him with a clear warning to you.”

Similarly, no messenger came to those before them without being told: “A magician or a madman!”

Have they passed this ˹cliché˺ down to one another? In fact, they have ˹all˺ been a transgressing people.

So ˹now˺ turn away from them ˹O Prophet˺, for you will not be blamed.

But ˹continue to˺ remind. For certainly reminders benefit the believers.

فَفِرُّ‌وا إِلَى اللَّـهِ (So flee to Allah....51:50). Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ said: "It means: Flee from your sins and take shelter in Allah for repentance." 

Abu Bakr Warraq and Junaid Baghdadi رحمۃ اللہ علیہما said that the base self of man and the devil invite him to commit sins, and they deceive him. 

He needs to take refuge in Allah who will protect him against their evil. (Qurtubi)