Tori Spelling's Unexpected Encounter: How a Kiss in an Elevator Changed Everything

Tori Spelling Says She Chipped Her Front Tooth Making Out with Jason Priestley in an Elevator

 Tori Spelling shared on her podcast, misSPELLING, that her Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Jason Priestley is responsible for her chipped tooth. The 50-year-old actress recounted how the incident occurred during a passionate moment in an elevator, describing Priestley as a good but vigorous kisser.

She clarified that this incident happened long before Priestley got married and revealed that they had a "summer fling" in the past, during which they hooked up.

Reflecting on the mishap, Spelling humorously mentioned the sensation of teeth hitting each other during an intense kiss and joked about having brittle teeth.

Spelling recently underwent dental work in Napa, California, partly due to the chipped tooth incident. She explained that her teeth had deteriorated over time, leading her to avoid smiling. Despite receiving comments on her Instagram to smile more, she admitted to neglecting her dental care until now.

Tori Spelling Says She Chipped Her Front Tooth Making Out with Jason Priestley in an Elevator

Tori Spelling opened up about how her role as a mother to five children—Beau, 7, Finn, 11, Hattie, 12, Stella, 15, and Liam, 17—whom she shares with her estranged husband Dean McDermott, caused her to neglect her own well-being.

"After getting married and having five kids, they became my top priority. Like many moms, I stopped prioritizing self-care, and unfortunately, my teeth suffered because of it," she explained. "I used to be proud of never having a cavity before turning 40, but now my dental health is a mess."

Feeling the need to regain her confidence, Spelling decided to undergo a dental transformation by getting veneers.

"Getting veneers involves shaving down your natural teeth and temporarily wearing plastic dentures while they craft the veneers," she described. "I currently have the temporary veneers in place, and in two weeks, I'll receive the permanent ones. I believe this change will be life-changing for me. Even with the temporaries, I'm already feeling more confident and smiling more."

The Quran - Chapter Muhammad : 24 - 28

Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Or are there locks upon their hearts?

Indeed, those who relapse ˹into disbelief˺ after ˹true˺ guidance has become clear to them, ˹it is˺ Satan ˹that˺ has tempted them, luring them with false hopes.

That is because they said ˹privately˺ to those who ˹also˺ detest what Allah has revealed, “We will obey you in some matters.”1 But Allah ˹fully˺ knows what they are hiding.

Then how ˹horrible˺ will it be when the angels take their souls, beating their faces and backs!

This is because they follow whatever displeases Allah and hate whatever pleases Him, so He has rendered their deeds void.

The Quran is a book of guidance. But in order to have the benefit of it, it is necessary for the reader to be serious about it. 

If some improper feeling makes him flippant about it, he can never avail of the counsel offered, even although it has been presented in the best possible manner. 

If any commandment of religion is issued by which an individual is required to sacrifice his desires and interests, Satan immediately gives him some excuse not to do so, and since the present world is a trial ground for mankind, he has the opportunity to make use of this lame excuse. 

But this holds only for a very short time. When death strikes, the whole position will be entirely different.