Disney On Ice Attendees Warned of Potential Measles Exposure at Cincinnati Performance

Disney On Ice Attendees Warned of Potential Measles Exposure at Cincinnati Performance

The Cincinnati Health Department is warning of a potential measles outbreak in Cincinnati, Ohio.

According to the health department, the exposure occurred on March 8 during the Disney On Ice tour at the Heritage Bank Center. In addition to attendees and performers, the CHD said anyone who was in the building up to two hours after the 7 p.m. show could have also been exposed. The health department advised anyone experiencing symptoms such as a high fever and cough to isolate.

˹He is˺ the Originator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you spouses from among yourselves, and ˹made˺ mates for cattle ˹as well˺—multiplying you ˹both˺. There is nothing like Him, for He ˹alone˺ is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

(The Quran - Chapter Ash-Shuraa : 11)

Additionally, the health department stated that even if someone was exposed and had symptoms, they should not to go to the hospital to get tested to avoid exposing other people to the highly contagious disease.

"Further information will be provided about arranging testing," the health department stated, emphasizing that the risk of acquiring the illness for those who have received the measles vaccine is low.

Disney On Ice Attendees Warned of Potential Measles Exposure at Cincinnati Performance

In February the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that more than half the world will be at a "high or very high risk" of measles outbreaks by the end of 2024. The illness, they also said, is a "highly contagious, serious airborne disease. It is most common in children and symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose and a rash all over the body.

"What we are worried about is this year, 2024, we've got these big gaps in our immunization programs, and if we don't fill them really quickly with the vaccine, measles will just jump into that gap," Natasha Crowcroft, a Senior Technical Adviser on Measles and Rubella with the WHO, said during a press briefing in Geneva.

"We can see, from data that's produced with WHO data by the CDC, that more than half of all the countries in the world are going to be at high or very high risk of outbreaks by the end of this year," she added.