Empowering Others: Ava Phillippe's Bold Response to Online Criticism

Empowering Others Ava Phillippe's Bold Response to Online Criticism

 Ava Phillippe has issued a stern rebuke to those who have been critical of her appearance.

On May 3, the 24-year-old influencer and artist took to her Instagram Stories to address certain followers who had made comments regarding her body.

"Body shaming is harmful behavior," she asserted alongside a photo of herself and her dog, Benji, posing for the camera. "(I asked Benji, and he concurs)."

"Perhaps it's best to refrain from engaging in such behavior??" she appended.

Empowering Others Ava Phillippe's Bold Response to Online Criticism

Phillippe's remarks follow another social media post she made on TikTok, where she called out certain commentators who had excessively critiqued her appearance.

Accompanied by the song "Just a Girl" by No Doubt, Phillippe, the daughter of actors Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe, shared a video where she discussed reaching a significant milestone as a woman online.

"In case you missed it, I recently hit a major milestone as a woman on the internet..." she captioned the video, featuring her candidly posing in front of a bathroom mirror. "I encountered two strangers commenting on my physique."

"The first suggested I should try Ozempic because I'm deemed overweight..." Ava remarked in the video, while applying lipstick. "The second accused me of starvation due to being too thin..."

"Notably, my weight remained unchanged during the period between their remarks," she emphasized, asserting that "it wouldn't be any of their concern even if it had!"

@avaephillippe Pretty is as pretty does, babes...& bodyshaming is simply toxic behavior. 💋 #loveyouasyouare ♬ Just A Girl (From "Clueless") - Soundtrack Wonder Band

"It's utter nonsense," she continued, purposefully swiping the lipstick across her face as the song reached its crescendo.

"No one should endure scrutiny based on their appearance. You never truly comprehend the battles someone has fought or the challenges they face," Ava concluded in the clip. "Regardless of who you are... your beauty transcends surface-level judgments.

"Actions speak louder than looks, darlings... and body shaming is unequivocally toxic behavior," she captioned the post with a kiss emoji, alongside the hashtag "#loveyouasyouare."

Ava also took a moment to issue a disclaimer, acknowledging that she's observed such comments disproportionately targeting young girls and women, while firmly stating: "Nevertheless, let me be unequivocal; body shaming is detrimental irrespective of the individual targeted. We all merit to feel secure and content in our own skin."

This isn't the first instance of Ava addressing intrusive remarks online. In 2022, she clapped back at commentators whom she accused of making "bigoted" and "hateful" comments towards her, shortly after responding to a fan's query about her sexuality during an Instagram Q&A.

"Are you attracted to boys or girls?" the fan inquired, to which Ava casually replied, "I'm attracted to... people! (Gender is irrelevant)."

In December 2021, Ava discussed her approach to social media with E! News, emphasizing her consideration of various factors before sharing posts, particularly their potential impact on her followers.

"What message does this convey to others? How does it resonate with me? Is it beneficial? Is it significant? Is it altruistic? Is it something I wish to present to the world as a reflection of myself?" she articulated at the time.

"While I possess a platform of sorts, I endeavor to be mindful of my content," she elaborated. "I may not always hit the mark perfectly, but I'm committed to striving to spread positivity."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Fateh : 11 - 13

The nomadic Arabs, who stayed behind, will say to you ˹O Prophet˺, “We were preoccupied with our wealth and families, so ask for forgiveness for us.” They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, “Who then can stand between you and Allah in any way, if He intends harm or benefit for you? In fact, Allah is All-Aware of what you do.

The truth is: you thought that the Messenger and the believers would never return to their families again. And that was made appealing in your hearts. You harboured evil thoughts ˹about Allah˺, and ˹so˺ became a doomed people.”

And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger, then We surely have prepared for the disbelievers a blazing Fire.

The Prophet Muhammad had a dream in Madinah that he was undertaking a journey to Makkah for the purpose of performing ‘umrah. 

In accordance with this, he left for Makkah along with his companions. But at that time, the conditions were very adverse. 

There was a great fear that there would be a clash with the Quraysh and that the Muslims would be killed in large numbers. 

As they approached Makkah, the Quraysh did indeed start pelting the Muslim group with stones and attempted to provoke them in different ways, so that they would become overwrought and start fighting, and the Quraysh would thus have an excuse to do battle with them. 

But the unilateral tolerance shown and the overlooking of these acts on the part of the Muslims deprived the Quraysh of the occasion to fight them. 

Many weak Muslims belonging to the areas surrounding Madinah did not join the pilgrims on their journey due to the fears mentioned above. 

When the Prophet had safely returned, these people came to him to profess their loyalty and started asking his pardon. 

But they were not pardoned, because their excuse was lame and false. Before God, a proper reason is acceptable at all times, while a false pretext is inevitably rejected outright. 

They had no real excuse for their non-participation in the journey along with God’s Prophet, except for their own feelings of uncertainty. 

They thought that they were protecting their interests by refusing to go on such a dangerous journey. 

They did not know that God is the Lord of all benefits and all harm. If God does not protect an individual, no protective armour can save him. Destruction will be the lot of such people in this world as well as in the Hereafter.