The Ozempic Controversy: Kelly Osbourne's Candid Confession

The Ozempic Controversy Kelly Osbourne's Candid Confession

 Kelly Osbourne is rectifying misconceptions regarding her health journey.

In a conversation concerning Osbourne Media House and The Osbournes Podcast, the 39-year-old clarified that while her mother, Sharon Osbourne, has utilized Ozempic, an FDA-approved medication for individuals with type 2 diabetes, she herself has not.

"I must emphasize, I have never utilized Ozempic. I cannot speak to its effects beyond what I have observed in my mother's experience," she affirmed. "I believe it can be a transformative remedy when administered appropriately."

The Ozempic Controversy Kelly Osbourne's Candid Confession

Ozempic, one of the trade names for semaglutide, also recognized as Wegovy, has become a significant subject of discussion within Hollywood circles.

"The benefits outweigh the drawbacks, and upon thorough examination, the potential cognitive and overall bodily enhancements offered by this medication are remarkable," Kelly asserts.

Expressing bewilderment, she questions the societal tendency to criticize individuals who opt to employ the drug for weight management. "It perplexes me why society is so quick to vilify its usage," she muses. "If weight loss is necessary, does the method truly matter, provided it is undertaken in a health-conscious manner?"

The Ozempic Controversy Kelly Osbourne's Candid Confession

Although Kelly has never experimented with Ozempic specifically, she divulges that she did incorporate various peptides and vitamins into her personal weight loss journey.

Peptides, which are short-chain amino acids, function as "nutrient-stimulated, hormone-based medications," as explained by Dr. Ania Jastreboff, an obesity medicine physician scientist at Yale University. These medications, including the peptide semaglutide, operate in the brain to modulate satiety, prompting individuals to feel full sooner and consequently consume less.

In a conversation with the Daily Mail last autumn, Sharon disclosed that she weighed less than 100 lbs. subsequent to her employment of Ozempic.

The Ozempic Controversy Kelly Osbourne's Candid Confession

"I appear excessively lean, and my attempts to gain weight have proven futile. It's my desire to do so because I perceive myself as too slender," she expressed. "Currently, I weigh under 100 lbs., a weight I'm uncomfortable with. It's a reminder to be cautious of one's desires."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Fath : 08 - 10

Indeed, ˹O Prophet,˺ We have sent you as a witness, a deliverer of good news, and a warner,

so that you ˹believers˺ may have faith in Allah and His Messenger, support and honour him, and glorify Allah morning and evening.

Surely those who pledge allegiance to you ˹O Prophet˺ are actually pledging allegiance to Allah. Allah’s Hand is over theirs. Whoever breaks their pledge, it will only be to their own loss. And whoever fulfils their pledge to Allah, He will grant them a great reward.

The real work of the Prophet is to be an exponent of the truth (‘shaahid’, as translated by Shah Waliullah). 

He should clearly show who will be entitled to God’s Grace and who will deserve punishment from God in the eternal life after death. 

The rising of such a ‘shaahid’ or witness of Truth poses the greatest trial for his addressees. They have to hear God’s voice in the voice of a human being. 

They have to see a representative of God in the shape of human being. While giving their hand into the hands of a man, they have to think that they are giving their hand into the hands of God. 

For those who prove to have this superior insight, God has great rewards in store, but to those who fail in this test, God will mete out the most severe punishment.