Beyond Skin Deep: Kate Beckinsale's Stand Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Beyond Skin Deep Kate Beckinsale's Stand Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards

 Kate Beckinsale is addressing allegations of cosmetic enhancements — and confronting her tormentors.

The thespian — who recently reappeared on the crimson pathway after an extended sojourn in the infirmary due to an undisclosed ailment — repudiated disparagement regarding her physical countenance and divulged her profound apprehension regarding the progression of time in an expansive Instagram missive on Sunday, May 5th.

Beckinsale, aged 50, juxtaposed vintage footage of herself adjacent to a snippet from her most recent public outing, observing, "These visual recordings may be two decades disparate — perchance even more."

"I abhor discussing this topic for it contributes to the ongoing discourse, yet I am compelled to do so as protracted, surreptitious persecution of any nature ultimately exacts its toll," she commenced.

Beyond Skin Deep Kate Beckinsale's Stand Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Amidst her diatribe, Beckinsale articulated her exasperation: "Each instance I share anything — and let it be known, this has been the scenario since I reached approximately 30 years of age — I am accused of undergoing unrecognizable cosmetic procedures, employing Botox, utilizing fillers, or being fixated on retaining youthfulness," she recounted. "It's an exceedingly tiresome and insidiously cruel tactic to torment an individual."

She proceeded to affirm that she refrains from engaging in any of the aforementioned practices. "I have even gone to the lengths of obtaining a definitive statement from a plastic surgeon affirming that I have not and do not partake in such procedures," she asserted, "yet despite this, the refrain persists: 'My word, you're unrecognizable. Good heavens, PLASTIC, oh my word, you bear no resemblance to your former self,' and this refrain echoes incessantly, predominantly propagated by women."

Additionally, the actress expressed her acceptance of the aging process, particularly in light of her past struggles with mortality stemming from a traumatic childhood experience. "Life unfolds — it is evident that I have matured, as does everyone; I am not overly preoccupied with the passage of time — for at the tender age of 5, I stumbled upon my deceased father," she disclosed, elaborating on her tumultuous journey. "Throughout my adolescent years and a substantial portion of my 20s, I was incapacitated by acute anxiety and recurrent panic episodes, consumed by the fear of succumbing to a heart attack."

Beckinsale candidly recounted her frequent visits to emergency rooms during that period, where she grappled with near-complete paralysis induced by her anxiety. "The irony that one of the principal targets of derision is the presumption that I am incapable of confronting the natural aging process is profound, considering my all-consuming dread was that I might not even survive to witness the conclusion of my 20s," she concluded, reflecting on the stark contrast between external assumptions and her internal struggles.

Beyond Skin Deep Kate Beckinsale's Stand Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards

The luminary proceeded to dissect the disparities in her appearance showcased in the two recordings, elucidating that her transformation is not attributable to surgical interventions but rather to the natural progression of time and shifting beauty trends.

"As discernible from these juxtaposed visual records, the disparities arise from my residency in the UK, where I maintained a paler complexion, engaged in extensive eyebrow plucking, and embraced the prevalent brown lipstick craze," she elucidated.

She further delineated, "During that period, my visage boasted a fuller contour, a common characteristic among individuals in their late adolescence and early adulthood. Moreover, prevailing makeup methodologies favored matte textures over the contemporary glossy aesthetic. As for contouring techniques, they eluded my grasp, resembling an enigmatic concept akin to a geographical conundrum."

Beckinsale acknowledged the relentless nature of the "bullying" she is addressing in her discourse, acknowledging its persistence despite her efforts. "I am cognizant that this proclamation will likely yield no discernible impact. The incessant barrage of accusations is unlikely to abate," she lamented. "Yet, I am compelled to disseminate this message because irrespective of one's physical appearance, incessantly hurling baseless allegations or fixating on youthfulness — when in actuality, my preoccupation lies in coping with bereavement — constitutes a form of psychological torment."

"Please desist henceforth," she implored in conclusion.

Reflecting on her recent health ordeal during the premiere of the inaugural King's Trust Gala on May 2nd, Beckinsale confided, "The past year has been arduous."

"Both my progenitors have grappled with illness, and even my feline companion... a succession of tribulations," she recounted. "Hence, it is gratifying to reunite with acquaintances and gain a semblance of perspective. It appears adversity has been a shared experience for many."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Fath : 04 - 07

He is the One Who sent down serenity upon the hearts of the believers so that they may increase even more in their faith. To Allah ˹alone˺ belong the forces of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

So He may admit believing men and women into Gardens under which rivers flow—to stay there forever—and absolve them of their sins. And that is a supreme achievement in the sight of Allah.

Also ˹so that˺ He may punish hypocrite men and women and polytheistic men and women, who harbour evil thoughts of Allah. May ill-fate befall them! Allah is displeased with them. He has condemned them and prepared for them Hell. What an evil destination!

To Allah ˹alone˺ belong the forces of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.

Here tranquillity (sakinah) means not becoming irritated despite provocation. At Hudaybiyyah the opponents of Islam tried to goad Muslims in different ways into taking such action as would provide them with sufficient justification for aggression. 

But the Muslims for their part tolerated every attempt at provocation. Right to the end, they were firm on the policy of overlooking and ignoring such attempts. 

Had God desired it, He could have subdued the forces of falsehood by means of His direct power and granted dominance to the Truth. 

Then, why is it that God created Hudaybiyyah Treaty-like conditions and made the Faithful undertake this journey? 

The purpose was to enhance the Faith by testing the Faithful. If a man curbs his urge to take revenge and enters into a treaty with an arrogant people simply because that is required by the task of disseminating the Truth, he does so by a conscientious decision. 

In so doing he makes his mind rule his heart. In this way, he increases his Faith-consciousness. He makes himself the recipient of such divine emotions as cannot be achieved in any other way. 

The advantage of this is that the people of Paradise and the people of Hell are separated in the process.