Breaking Taboos: Barbara Corcoran's Honest Discussion on Cosmetic Procedures

Breaking Taboos Barbara Corcoran's Honest Discussion on Cosmetic Procedures

 Barbara Corcoran isn't finished with cosmetic enhancements.

The 75-year-old Shark Tank star disclosed in an interview with Page Six, published on Friday, May 3, that she recently underwent her third facelift and is contemplating a fourth one in the future.

"I'm aiming for a fourth facelift on my 85th birthday," Corcoran revealed.

Additionally, the businesswoman mentioned her consideration of "enhancing" her physique and expressed willingness to undergo "any" procedures available to her. Corcoran acknowledged various areas she believes could benefit from improvement.

"I'm considering augmenting my chest, hips, and buttocks," she stated, though she conceded uncertainty about her ability to endure such surgical procedures.

Breaking Taboos Barbara Corcoran's Honest Discussion on Cosmetic Procedures

When questioned about her motivation for undergoing cosmetic surgeries, Corcoran confessed that her desire stemmed from wanting to portray a different persona.

"I aspire to be a woman who isn't solely recognized for her business acumen or wealth," she admitted with a chuckle. "I aim to be the kind of woman who turns heads as she walks by, eliciting admiration for her physical appearance."

This revelation comes just a month after the founder of The Corcoran Group posted a TikTok video poking fun at her previous cosmetic procedures. In the video, she presented a slideshow featuring images of herself donning a vibrant pink blazer, accompanied by text asking, "What's the most expensive thing you're wearing?" In response, she quipped, "My facelift."

Beneath the images, Corcoran humorously remarked that investing in her appearance was "worth the money," concluding with the statement, "At least I'm honest!" accompanied by the hashtag #plasticsurgery. However, she opted not to disclose the exact amount she spent on the procedures.

The celebrity has been open about her cosmetic procedures on social media, going as far as sharing a comparison photo of herself from season 1 of Shark Tank in 2009 and a snapshot from season 14 of the popular show in early 2023. "2 facelifts & 100+ deals later..." she captioned the post.

She has previously disclosed that she underwent an eye lift following the necessity of addressing basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer triggered by sun exposure, according to Mayo Clinic.

"After successfully establishing and selling my business, I had worked tirelessly to achieve that milestone, and the toll was evident on my face. Therefore, I opted to undergo a facelift immediately after selling my business, at the age of 46," she recounted. "I meticulously researched and consulted with the top surgeons in New York, and upon arriving at one's office to schedule the facelift, he redirected me to a cancer specialist."

She explained that she underwent the procedure concurrently with her cancer treatment.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Fath : 14 - 15

To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whoever He wills, and punishes whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Those who stayed behind will say, when you ˹believers˺ set out to take the spoils of war, “Let us accompany you.” They wish to change Allah’s promise. Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “You will not accompany us. This is what Allah has said before.” They will then say, “In fact, you are driven by jealousy against us!” The truth is: they can hardly comprehend.

Before the Hudaybiyyah Treaty the Jews were very open in their hostility for the Muslims, because earlier they had had the full cooperation of Quraysh in this regard. 

The ‘no-war’ pact with the Quraysh at Hudaybiyyah cut off the Jews from the Quraysh and thereafter they were left on their own. 

For this reason, the morale of the Jews of Khybar, Tema, Fidak, etc. was lowered. So, three months after the signing of the treaty, when the Prophet besieged Khybar, the Jews of that place surrendered their arms without fighting and the Muslims acquired large amounts of booty on that occasion. 

People of weak faith who did not accompany the Prophet on his Hudaybiyyah journey, considering it risky, now wanted to take part in the campaign against the Jews and thus have a share in the spoils, but they were prohibited from doing so. 

It is the rule of God that it is the one who takes risks who should receive the benefit. If a man wants to achieve something without taking a risk, he wants, in fact, to change Divine Law. But it is not possible for anybody in this world to change God’s Law.