Revitalize Your Fitness Routine with Hoda Kotb's Motivational Journey: Today's the Day to Get Back on Track!

Revitalize Your Fitness Routine with Hoda Kotb's Motivational Journey: Today's the Day to Get Back on Track!

Starting her week with a burst of Monday motivation, Hoda Kotb, the beloved co-host of Today, took to Instagram on May 6 to share a glimpse of her early morning routine. At 3:30 a.m., before her duties on the morning show, she found herself in the gym, ready to kickstart her day with a workout.

Acknowledging her recent slacking in the exercise department due to a busy schedule, Kotb declared, "Today's the day. Today's the day. Today's the day!" Determined to reset and recommit, she encouraged her followers to join her in the journey towards renewed fitness.

Despite the temptation to hit snooze, Kotb powered through, emphasizing the importance of seizing the day. Her commitment didn't go unnoticed, drawing praise from fans and fellow celebrities alike. Bethenny Frankel and her Today colleague Bobbie Thomas were among those applauding her dedication.

In the comments section, Kotb's followers echoed their support, expressing gratitude for her inspiring example. From feeling like a million bucks to setting a positive tone for the day, Kotb's early morning workout resonated deeply with her audience, serving as a beacon of motivation for all striving towards their fitness goals.

Sharing insights into her morning routine, Kotb revealed that her day begins with tranquility, courtesy of her 3 a.m. wake-up call. On an episode of her Making Space podcast in April, the author of "Hope Is a Rainbow" disclosed her practice of carving out peaceful moments before the chaos ensues.

During this sacred time, Kotb indulges in 20 minutes of meditation, accompanied by journaling to center her thoughts. Reflecting on her spiritual and physical needs, she assesses what her spirit and body require for the day ahead. From a simple manicure to a rejuvenating walk in nature or a luxurious soak in the tub, Kotb tailors her self-care routine to address her immediate needs, ensuring a balanced start to her day.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Fath : 16 - 17

Say to nomadic Arabs, who stayed behind, “You will be called ˹to fight˺ against a people of great might,1 who you will fight unless they submit. If you then obey, Allah will grant you a fine reward. But if you turn away as you did before, He will inflict upon you a painful punishment.”

There is no blame on the blind, or the disabled, or the sick ˹for staying behind˺. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by Him into Gardens under which rivers flow. But whoever turns away will be subjected by Him to a painful punishment.

Those who had shown weakness on the occasion of Hudaybiyah were deprived of the reward resulting therefrom, but still the door was not closed to them, because the campaign to promote Monotheism was to face many difficult situations. 

They were told that if they proved that they were imbued with the spirit of sacrifice on future occasions, they would once again be entitled to the Grace of God. 

A test of this kind decides whether a man is a believer or a hypocrite. Only those who have some real difficulty are exempt from it. 

God pardons an error forced on a person because of circumstances which are beyond his control. But any other kind of shortcoming is not pardonable in the eyes of God.