Jeremy Renner Opens Up: Life After Near-Death Snowplow Crash

Jeremy Renner Opens Up Life After Near-Death Snowplow Crash

 Jeremy Renner has recently shared valuable insights from his harrowing experience of surviving a near-fatal snowplow accident last year, which landed him in the intensive care unit.

During his appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday, May 22, Renner, best known for his role as Hawkeye, spoke about the profound physical and spiritual challenges he faced following the January 2023 incident. He described how, during the 45 minutes he was trapped on the ice, he had to concentrate solely on staying alive.

“I had to exhale with all my might so I [could] suck air back in,” recalled the 53-year-old actor. “I didn’t know I had a popped lung and all this other stuff going on. But I just had to breathe. If I didn’t breathe then I would have been gone, right?”

Renner revealed that he had sustained 38 broken bones from the New Year's Day accident. When Jimmy Fallon inquired about how much of his body was now composed of titanium, Renner pointed out that several parts of his body were indeed metal.

“This is metal,” he said, touching his left shin. “Half my face is metal. All the right side of my back is metal.”

He explained that he had been clearing snow and towing a truck with the snowplow before it “got out of my hands.” In an effort to stop the machine from heading towards his nephew, he attempted to jump back on it, which resulted in his severe injuries.

Renner vividly described to Fallon the surreal moments following the accident, noting that he remained conscious and aware of his dire situation.

"It's like, you see your eye with your other eye because my eyeball was out. So you have weird things that go through your head like, ‘Well, I guess that’s real, but like I’ll worry about that later,'" he recounted. "And I look at my legs. They were all twisted up, and I’ll worry about that later because I’ve got to worry about breathing first, right?”

Jeremy Renner Opens Up Life After Near-Death Snowplow Crash

He emphasized the crucial lesson he learned from the ordeal, stressing the importance of prioritizing and tackling challenges step by step.

“I think it is a really great reminder of what we all should be looking at in life," he said. "If we get too stressed or if things get too difficult or if it's insurmountable odds or whatever it might be. Just put one foot down and then put another foot down and then move towards it, right?”

Since the accident, Renner has been steadily recovering and has shared his journey on social media. In an interview with CNN in October 2023, he expressed his gratitude for his recovery, saying, "I feel very blessed and very lucky to be upright and walk around and to live life" more than nine months after the incident.

“I’m very clear. My life is really lean, if that makes sense," he added. "There’s no fat in my life anymore. I don’t have time for that. So there’s something really beautiful about having that superpower.”

The Quran - Chapter An-Najm : 02

Your fellow man is neither misguided nor astray.

Ù…َا ضَÙ„َّ صَاحِبُÙƒُÙ…ْ ÙˆَÙ…َا غَÙˆَÙ‰ٰ (your companion [ the Holy Prophet ï·º ] has neither missed the way, nor did he deviate. [ 53:2] Verse [ 1] was Ù‚َسَÙ… qasam or oath and verse [ 2] is jawab-ul-qasam or the subject for which oath is sworn. 

The verse means that the path towards which the Holy Prophet ï·º is calling the people is the perfectly straight path leading to the desired goal of Allah's good pleasure. 

He is following the right guidance and has not deviated from the path of righteousness.

The Reason for Describing the Holy Prophet ï·º as 'your companion'

The Qur'an on this occasion, when referring to the Holy Prophet ï·º ، does not refer to him by his blessed name or refer to him as a Messenger or a Holy Prophet ï·º . 

In fact, it refers to him as Sahibukum or "your companion". In this there seems to be a subtle rebuke to the pagans of Makkah, telling them in effect that the Holy Prophet ï·º is not an outsider, nor a stranger to them. 

He was their constant companion. He was born amongst them, he spent his childhood amongst them, and he grew up as a youth amongst them. 

He has lived among them a whole life-time, and they had always looked upon him as a paragon of honesty, integrity and truthfulness calling him اَÙ…ِین (The Honest One). 

But now - after his claim of Prophethood - they dare impute to him such a heinous sin as forging lies against Allah. 

A man who withheld himself from telling lies about men, how could he possibly forge lies against Allah? How inconsistent is their attitude?