Jennifer Aniston on Her Approach to Self-Care, Exercise & Nutrition: 'I Always Give Myself a Cheat Day'

Jennifer Aniston on Her Approach to Self-Care, Exercise & Nutrition: 'I Always Give Myself a Cheat Day'

 Jennifer Aniston knows the importance of staying healthy — in all aspects of her life.

In a tied to her partnership with Pvolve, the actress, 55, opens up about her approach to self-care, exercise, and nutrition.

When asked to describe what her everyday diet looks like, Aniston says, "My nutrition is very much the same. It's usually a lot of high protein, vegetables, salads, soups, and then everything I would possibly want on a weekend. I always give myself a cheat day."

Highlighting her go-to cheat meal, The Morning Show star reveals, "Well, it depends. I mean, dare I sound repetitive, but Mexican food is a real favorite of mine. It's not even that much of a cheat, to be honest."

"Or a cheeseburger or pizza or pasta — all that stuff," continues Aniston.

Jennifer Aniston on Her Approach to Self-Care, Exercise & Nutrition: 'I Always Give Myself a Cheat Day'

Along with eating right, Aniston knows that taking care of her mental health is crucial to overall wellness.

One way she practices self-care, the star says, is by limiting her screen time, and also by monitoring the type of content she sees.

"[It's important to] turn off the screens. ... Put your phone down and get outside. Surround yourself with friends and connect with people," Aniston states.

"Try to think about ... what is possible, as opposed to the doom that the world tends to appear like these days," she adds. "We just aren't designed to take in that kind of information all day."

Jennifer Aniston on Her Approach to Self-Care, Exercise & Nutrition: 'I Always Give Myself a Cheat Day'

According to Aniston, she is "absolutely" a morning person when it comes to exercise.

"I always feel like after a long day, the last thing I want to do is work out," she explains. "I admire those who really can come home from a day of work and get themselves into workout wear and into the gym at night. I find that it's incredible, but I just can't see myself doing that."

On the days she's struggling to get to the gym, Aniston says she actively works to quiet the negative thoughts in her head.

"I say, 'Just go. Do five minutes. Just move for at least five minutes,' " the actress states. "Then you find if you've gotten through the first 10 minutes of anything, you can probably do another 10 and then another 10, and then you just keep going."

Jennifer Aniston on Her Approach to Self-Care, Exercise & Nutrition: 'I Always Give Myself a Cheat Day'

Later this year, Aniston will mark her first anniversary since partnering with Pvolve, an exercise program that pairs functional movement with resistance-based equipment to sculpt, strengthen, and restore the body through on-demand, streaming, and in-person classes.

The fitness company, Aniston, and the star's Pvolve trainer, Dani Coleman, have crafted a monthly workout calendar that mimics Aniston's Pvolve training schedule. They are also launching "Jen's Spring Challenge," which will run from May 13 to June 9 and encourage members to take 12 classes within that time frame.

These classes — available to Pvolve’s streaming members via mobile, web, and the Apple TV app, as well as to studio members across the company’s 12 locations in North America — go hand-in-hand with a new limited edition equipment bundle composed of some of Aniston's workout favorites, including a P.ball,, P.3 Trainer, Slant Board, Heavy Ankle Band, and Gliders, plus a three-month streaming membership and a Pvolve tote.

Members who sign up for Aniston's challenge and complete it within a 30-day window will automatically be entered to win a trip to Los Angeles for a private training session with Coleman.

"It's very accessible, and it's not intimidating to people," Aniston tells of Pvolve's workouts. "It is a workout I haven't ever really tried before, and it is so doable."

The Quran - Chapter Muhammad : 07 - 11

O believers! If you stand up for Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm.

As for the disbelievers, may they be doomed and may He render their deeds void.

That is because they detest what Allah has revealed, so He has rendered their deeds void.

Have they not travelled throughout the land to see what was the end of those before them? Allah annihilated them, and a similar fate awaits the disbelievers.

This is because Allah is the Patron of the believers while the disbelievers have no patron.

The One who causes events to occur is God. But He does so through the chain of cause and effect. Such is the case with religion also. 

It is God’s desire that the force of falsehood should be destroyed and Truth should eternally prevail throughout the world. 

But in order that this should happen, Almighty God requires certain individuals to serve as the human medium for this Divine Action. 

This process is termed here as ‘assisting God’. When a group rises to assist God it simultaneously performs another task, i.e. it proves unbelievers to be such. 

The individuals assisting God with extreme seriousness and sincere well-wishing call the people towards God. 

Distancing themselves from such behaviour as is opposed to the Truth, they bear testimony to the truth of religion (din). 

They establish the Truth as such to the ultimate degree. In this way, the process of the conclusion of argument in missionary work is completed; this is required by Almighty God for His judgement in the Hereafter. 

The upholders of truth become dominant over the upholders of untruth, provided the former do dawah work which is a prerequisite for seeking divine support.