Kendall Jenner Candidly Discusses Anxiety Struggles, Being a 'Negative Thinker Concerned About Something'

Kendall Jenner Candidly Discusses Anxiety Struggles, Being a 'Negative Thinker Concerned About Something'

 Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Anxiety Struggles in Vogue's Summer 2024 Issue

In a revealing cover story for Vogue's Summer 2024 edition, released on May 9, 28-year-old supermodel Kendall Jenner bravely shared her ongoing battle with anxiety.

"I tend to lean towards negative thinking," she confessed to the magazine. "That's my struggle. I find myself constantly fretting over scenarios that may never come to pass."

Jenner didn't shy away from addressing her current mental health challenges. "I believe in being transparent about it," she asserted. "While I feel quite secure and optimistic about my career at the moment, I've been grappling with a tough phase in my mental health over the past couple of months."

Acknowledging a shift in her usual demeanor, Jenner admitted, "I haven't been myself lately, and my friends have noticed. I've been feeling sadder than usual, more on edge than usual." She continued, "So I won't pretend that everything's fine. That's life – I'll always have moments of fluctuating emotions. In previous interviews, I've often painted a picture of stability, saying 'I'm doing great right now, but here's what I've struggled with.' But truth be told, I'm currently experiencing it."

Jenner's candid remarks shed light on the reality of mental health struggles, emphasizing the importance of openness and acceptance in navigating the ups and downs of life.

Kendall Jenner Candidly Discusses Anxiety Struggles, Being a 'Negative Thinker Concerned About Something'

Jenner revealed that she believes she's grappled with anxiety since the tender age of 7, though she lacked the vocabulary to identify it then. Recounting moments of panic attacks and seeking solace from her mother Kris Jenner during episodes of breathlessness, she lamented that medical professionals consistently dismissed her symptoms.

"As a child, I was highly sensitive, often lost in my thoughts and emotions," she reflected. "I'd frequently work myself into a state of anxiety."

The reality TV star disclosed that during periods of profound mental distress, she tends to neglect the coping mechanisms she knows could aid her recovery.

"I find myself actively engaging in behaviors detrimental to my well-being," she admitted. "It's a critical aspect of my self-care: recognizing these moments and taking decisive action to counteract them. While the solution varies for each individual, for me, simply getting out of bed and taking small steps forward is immensely beneficial. Movement, physical activity – it gets my blood pumping and clears my mind."

"In times of struggle, I've noticed I'm neglecting these beneficial practices," Jenner confessed. "Opting to remain confined to my bed, lost in despair, only sets me further back."

Kendall Jenner Candidly Discusses Anxiety Struggles, Being a 'Negative Thinker Concerned About Something'

Jenner shared that she recently acquired a book titled Joseph Nguyen's "Don’t Believe Everything You Think," which has been instrumental in shifting her mindset towards a more positive outlook. Additionally, she's making a conscious effort to reintegrate activities that bring her joy and relaxation into her routine. For Jenner, horseback riding serves as her "healthy addiction."

"Whenever I go for a ride, it's not only a chance to disconnect from my phone and work, but it allows me to fully immerse myself in the present moment," she expressed to the outlet. "Navigating obstacles with my horse requires complete focus and energy. Moreover, there's a sense of nostalgia attached to it. I enjoyed horseback riding as a child, but back then, I was limited by parental and trainer restrictions. Now, as an adult, I have the freedom to indulge in every aspect of the experience, from selecting my gear to setting my own pace. It's like nourishment for my soul."

If you or someone you know is in need of mental health support, please consider reaching out to the Crisis Text Line by texting "STRENGTH" to 741-741 to connect with a certified crisis counselor. 

The Quran - Chapter Qaf : 01 - 05

Qãf. By the glorious Quran!

˹All will be resurrected,˺ yet the deniers are astonished that a warner has come to them from among themselves ˹warning of resurrection˺. So the disbelievers say, “This is an astonishing thing!

˹Will we be returned to life,˺ when we are dead and reduced to dust? Such a return is impossible.”

We certainly know what the earth consumes of them ˹after their death˺, and with us is a well-preserved Record.

In fact, they reject the truth when it has come to them, so they are in a confused state.

The history of the prophets shows that their contemporaries were not ready to accept them. It was only in later times that people readily accepted their status as prophets. 

The reason for this is that the prophet appears to his contemporaries as ‘a person just like themselves’. 

They find it surprising that one whom they have always treated as their equal should suddenly become great and start advising them. 

But, as time passes, a history of greatness becomes attached to the prophet’s name. So, he starts appearing to succeeding generations as a ‘person greater than themselves.’ 

That is why, in later periods people did not find it difficult to accept the prophetic status of a prophet. 

In other words, to the people of the early days, the prophet was a controversial figure, while to the people of later times he acquired the aura of an established personage. 

The people of the earlier period had to undertake a journey in consciousness in order to fill the gap between them and the prophet, while in the later period, this gap would have been filled by history itself. 

In the eyes of those who entertain doubts about the prophethood of God’s messenger, everything about him becomes doubtful—even those beliefs that are already enshrined in tradition. 

However, nothing can act as a shield or an excuse for the doubters. If the rejecters of the prophet were simply to consider the inimitable literary majesty of his book, they would be compelled to accept as a prophet the one who brought that book.