Tom Holland's Golf Mishap Revealed: An Inside Look at His Painful Head Injury!

Tom Holland's Golf Mishap Revealed: An Inside Look at His Painful Head Injury!

 Tom Holland's family outing for a round of golf took an unexpected turn!

The 27-year-old Spider-Man: No Way Home star took to his Instagram Stories on Monday, May 6, to share a snapshot of a rather painful mishap he encountered while playing golf with his family in Scotland.

In the photo, Holland revealed a close-up view of a sizable bump on the right side of his forehead, complete with a bloodied imprint from the impact of a golf ball.

"Whoever claimed golf isn't a contact sport is completely mistaken," Tom quipped in the caption. "You can almost make out the dimples." He then tagged his father Dominic Holland's Patreon page, directing followers to a humorous recount of the incident penned by his dad in a blog post published four days earlier.

Tom Holland's Golf Mishap Revealed: An Inside Look at His Painful Head Injury!

Dominic elaborated that "a golf ball did indeed make contact with his head," although the injury was not severe.

"In truth, it was struck by a sand wedge from a distance of 80 yards, albeit by a skilled golfer who should have exercised better judgment and precision," he continued. "The culprit in question was Alex Roberts, a close companion of Tom's ... unaware that his esteemed and highly valued friend was positioned off the green to his left."

"Thud. The ball collided with Tom on the right side of his forehead. If it had been just a few centimeters to his left or right ... It was quite a shock and certainly caused discomfort, hence why Tom dropped to the ground as if he had been struck by a bullet," Dominic explained, noting that the actor's "knit hat provided some level of protection."

Tom Holland's Golf Mishap Revealed An Inside Look at His Painful Head Injury!

"Luckily, Tom was playing in Scotland (the birthplace of golf) in April when woolly hats are deemed essential for survival," quipped Tom's dad. He then mentioned that his son was "sent to the hospital for some examinations."

Dominic humorously wrapped up his post by stating, "Another note on the precision of this blog ... Firstly, Alex (Tom's friend) ... has been demoted from Tom's inner circle. Now relegated to the outer ring. Let's just say, he's no longer inside the ropes."

Tom Holland's Golf Mishap Revealed An Inside Look at His Painful Head Injury!

Tom's mishap occurred while his girlfriend Zendaya was across the pond, attending the 2024 Met Gala in New York City on Monday, May 6.

The following day, Tom expressed his admiration for the actress—who served as co-chair at this year's event—on Instagram. He shared photos of Zendaya's stunning first and second ensembles from the gala, accompanied by a string of "😍😍😍" emojis. 

The Quran - Chapter Al-Fath : 27

Indeed, Allah will fulfil His Messenger’s vision in all truth: Allah willing, you will surely enter the Sacred Mosque, in security—˹some with˺ heads shaved and ˹others with˺ hair shortened—without fear.1 He knew what you did not know, so He first granted you the triumph at hand.

The Hudaybiyyah journey was undertaken as a result of a dream the Prophet Muhammad had. In his dream in Madinah, he had reached Makkah and was performing ‘umrah. 

People took this dream as a good tiding and left Madinah for Makkah. But the Quraysh obstructed their path at Hudaybiyyah and ultimately he had to return without performing ‘umrah. 

For this reason certain people thought that the Prophet’s dream had not been true. But this surmise proved incorrect, because the dream did not specify that ‘umrah would take place the same year, and according to the terms of the treaty itself, ‘umrah was performed peacefully and properly the very next year in Dhu’l-Qa‘dah in the seventh year of hijrah. 

That year the postponement of ‘umrah was agreed upon in the interests of something of greater importance, i.e. it facilitated the drawing up of a ten-year no-war pact with the Quraysh. 

When this was executed, it resulted in a proper atmosphere being created for dawah work. This in itself was a victory, because as a consequence, the door was opened for a final and total victory over the flag-bearers of polytheism.