Lexi Reed Celebrated a Significant Milestone in Fitness After Calciphylaxis

Lexi Reed Celebrated a Significant Milestone in Fitness After Calciphylaxis

 Lexi Reed, a well-known fitness influencer, recently celebrated a significant milestone in her fitness journey, reminding her followers that “sometimes, the scale doesn't show the full picture.”

On Thursday, Reed, also known as @fatgirlfedup on Instagram, shared a gym mirror selfie, showcasing her bright teal pants and loose hair. She expressed her delight at feeling healthier and seeing progress, writing, “Feeling more like my old self daily, feeling healthy, my hair coming back, wearing bright pants, finally seeing progress.”

Reed also mentioned fitting back into her smaller workout clothes, a testament to her ongoing transformation. This progress is particularly meaningful given her battle with calciphylaxis, a rare and severe disease where calcium builds up in the small blood vessels of the fat and skin tissues, causing blood clots, painful skin ulcers, and serious infections. The illness led Reed to endure 59 weeks of treatment last year for painful wounds.

Lexi Reed Celebrated a Significant Milestone in Fitness After Calciphylaxis

Despite these challenges, Reed has been documenting her recovery and fitness journey on Instagram since going into remission, emphasizing that “progress takes time.” In response to a follower’s question about her hair, Reed attributed her hair's return to better nutrition, joking that her husband Danny’s grilling had increased her protein intake, essential for healthy hair according to Livestrong.

Reed’s post also highlighted the importance of perseverance, noting, “Progress also takes the belief that if you keep showing up day by day, eventually, you'll look up, and your hard work will pay off.”

Lexi Reed Celebrated a Significant Milestone in Fitness After Calciphylaxis

In a poignant Christmas post, Reed shared that she had dropped below 200 lbs. for the first time since her calciphylaxis remission, writing, “I hit 199.4 lbs. I got back to ONEderland! That means that I’ve lost 86.8 lbs. since March. That means that for Christmas today, I’m giving myself the gift of my health.”

Reed began her weight-loss journey in 2016 at 485 lbs., and her story continues to inspire many. She concluded her recent post with encouragement, “It can be hard sometimes to not see results right away, but the time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well spend it wisely & believe in yourself. Start today!”

The Quran - Chapter An-Najm : 50 - 52

And He destroyed the first ˹people of˺ ’Ȃd,

and ˹then˺ Thamûd, sparing no one.

And before ˹that He destroyed˺ the people of Noah, who were truly far worse in wrongdoing and transgression.

وَأَنَّهُ أَهْلَكَ عَادًا الْأُولَىٰ وَثَمُودَ فَمَا أَبْقَىٰ (and that He has destroyed the earlier ` Ad, and Thamud, so spared none,...53:50-51) The people of ` Ad were among the strongest, fiercest people and the most rebellious against Allah. 

There are two branches of this people: one of them is known as 'ula [ the first ] and ` ukhra [ the latter or the second ]. 

Holy Prophet Hud (علیہ السلام) was sent to ` Ad, but they disobeyed him, as a result Allah annihilated the entire nation by a violently furious wind. 

This is the first nation that was destroyed in punishment after the destruction of the people of Holy Prophet Nuh علیہ السلام (Mazhari) Holy Prophet Salih (علیہ السلام) was sent to the tribe of Thamud, being the second ` Ad, but they too disobeyed their Prophet. 

Those who transgressed were caught by the awesome Cry of Jibra'il (علیہ السلام) and their hearts were burst by the horrific sound resulting in the mass destruction of those people. (See Ma` ariful Qur'an Vol. 4/p. 651 and the cross-reference given there.