Pets Also Manifest of Seasonal Allergies Like Their Owner

Pets Also Manifest of Seasonal Allergies Like Their Owner

Pets are not exempt from the scourge of seasonal allergies that plague their human companions.

Michael Natale, a credentialed veterinary technician, elucidates that felines and canines are susceptible to allergies during the same periods their human counterparts endure heightened allergic responses.

"Any creature can manifest allergies, and similar to humans, they may develop them with advancing age," he articulates.

"It’s more prevalent than most individuals presume," Natale emphasizes.

Natale elaborates that managing allergies in dogs and cats requires an individualized approach, akin to human allergy treatments.

Pets Also Manifest of Seasonal Allergies Like Their Owner

"My Rottweiler, for instance, suffers from intense allergies. Consequently, I administer weekly allergy injections, biweekly medicated baths, and provide specialized food tailored to his allergen profile."

In his role as an educator and talent acquisition manager, Natale frequently encounters a specific allergen in pets.

"Chicken is a common allergen I observe in many animals, and it's pervasive in numerous pet products," he notes.

To assist pets in coping with their allergies, Natale advises owners to "ascertain the specific allergens afflicting their pets."

Pets Also Manifest of Seasonal Allergies Like Their Owner

"Your primary veterinarian or a board-certified veterinary dermatologist can perform allergen tests," he suggests.

"If the allergen is identified, endeavor to minimize your pet’s exposure to it," Natale advises.

"Scrutinize product ingredients and administer allergy medications as prescribed by your veterinarian. Above all, seek a veterinary examination if you notice any abnormalities in your pet's health," he concludes.

The Quran - Chapter An-Najm : 54

How overwhelming was what covered ˹them˺!

فَغَشَّاهَا مَا غَشَّىٰ (so covered they were by that which covered.... 53:54). This refers to the fact that the cities were first overturned, and after that stones of hard clay were sent down on them, which covered them.

Here ends the teachings of the scriptures of Musa and Ibrahim (علیہما السلام)