Nicole Eggert Says Producing Baywatch Docuseries Has Given Her 'Purpose' Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Nicole Eggert Says Producing Baywatch Docuseries Has Given Her 'Purpose' Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Nicole Eggert navigates her well-being with resilience following her breast cancer diagnosis.

The acclaimed actress, renowned for her portrayal of Summer Quinn on "Baywatch", disclosed her diagnosis of stage 2 cribriform carcinoma breast cancer in early December 2023. She shared that she is "just trying to stay positive every day."

Describing her emotional journey, Eggert stated, "I'm on a tumultuous roller coaster ride. There are peaks and troughs, and I strive to greet each day with optimism and preparedness to face whatever challenges arise," as she discussed her latest endeavor, "After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun", a docuseries premiering on August 28 on Hulu.

This docuseries, which Eggert co-produced, revisits the ensemble cast of the iconic '90s television sensation that captivated billions globally. Across its four episodes, the cast members reminisce about the exhilarating and challenging moments they experienced on the sun-soaked beaches of Southern California.

Nicole Eggert Says Producing Baywatch Docuseries Has Given Her 'Purpose' Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

"I hope that audiences extend genuine respect to the actors and everyone involved. Often, it's overlooked as if it's 'just another attractive face in a red swimsuit,'" Eggert reflects. "I've frequently heard the term 'disposable' used, which I disagree with. I aspire for people to recognize us as the individuals we are beyond our appearances because we're a group of remarkable people."

Engaging in the docuseries over the past five years has been profoundly therapeutic for Eggert, particularly as she has contended with her breast cancer diagnosis in recent months.

"Balancing motherhood with this project has been a tremendous source of motivation, preventing me from dwelling solely on my health and well-being. It imparts purpose," Eggert shares, mother to Keegan, 13, and Dilyn, 25. "It fuels my drive daily. I believe life's timing is intentional. This project has served as a beneficial distraction, and my daughters have kept me grounded."

Following her December 2023 diagnosis, Eggert opened up about the impact her health journey has had on her children.

Nicole Eggert Says Producing Baywatch Docuseries Has Given Her 'Purpose' Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

“[Dilyn’s] an adult, but I have a 12-year-old at home where I'm the sole caregiver. I have no extended family. I feel isolated,” she confides, recalling the "horror" on Keegan’s face upon learning of her diagnosis. “It instantly made me realize that I cannot succumb to this. This is something I must overcome. She relies on me more than anything or anyone.”

On July 26, Eggert shared an uplifting update with her followers via an Instagram video.

"I just concluded a meeting with my surgeons, and they conveyed that I have achieved a 'full complete response,'" she announced.

She elaborated, "My body has entirely responded to the chemotherapy. There is no detectable cancer in that region, and I have been given the green light to proceed with surgery. This will involve a mastectomy and reconstruction—a journey in itself—but it has been successful. It worked. It worked."

Nicole Eggert Says Producing Baywatch Docuseries Has Given Her 'Purpose' Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Eggert's association with "Baywatch" began in 1992 when she joined the cast at merely 18 years old, remaining with the show for two seasons.

Reflecting on her tenure, Eggert muses, "I departed from "Baywatch". [However] evading issues doesn't cause them to vanish. As a young individual, I somewhat fled from it," she admits, "yet I hold no regrets. I don't subscribe to them."

"After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun" is set to premiere on August 28 on Hulu.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Mulk : 20 - 21

Also, which ˹powerless˺ force will come to your help instead of the Most Compassionate? Indeed, the disbelievers are only ˹lost˺ in delusion.

Or who is it that will provide for you if He withholds His provision? In fact, they persist in arrogance and aversion ˹to the truth˺.