Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Impostor Syndrome but Says Self-Doubt Keeps Me Going

Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Impostor Syndrome but Says Self-Doubt Keeps Me Going

Despite finding success in several business ventures, Kim Kardashian still struggles with moments of self-doubt.

“Obviously you have big hopes, but this definitely exceeded everything that I ever imagined,” the 42-year-old SKIMS founder told of her shapewear business. “I still have, like, impostor syndrome or whatever, but I think that’s part of what keeps me going.”

Over the years the Kardashians star created many businesses, ranging from mobile games and cosmetics to perfumes. Though most were profitable, she confessed none of them really stuck and often felt like she was “winging” her career.

“At the beginning, when I didn’t really understand where my career was going because I was just kind of winging it, I would do licensing deals with a lot of different companies that would contradict themselves, like a cupcake brand with a weight-loss pill at the same time,” she explained.

Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Impostor Syndrome but Says Self-Doubt Keeps Me Going

Now that she’s found overwhelming success with SKIMS, Kardashian admitted she’s felt relieved. “I feel like, OK, I did it,” she said.

Back in March 2022, Kim was met with heavy criticism after claiming the “best advice for women in business” was to “get your f — -ing ass up and work” while speaking to about her famous family and their prowess in business.

“It seems like nobody wants to work these days,” she added at the time.

Soon after, the reality star appeared on Good Morning America to apologize for her comments and explained that her advice was taken out of context.

“Well, that statement that I said was without questions and conversation around it,” she said. “It became a sound bite really with no context. And that sound bite I came off the notion and the question right before which was after 20 years of being in the business you’re famous for being famous. And my whole tone and attitude changed with the previous question that went into that question about what advice would you give to women.”

Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Impostor Syndrome but Says Self-Doubt Keeps Me Going

Kardashian explained that she never intended to put women down with her original comment, saying, “It wasn’t a blanket statement towards women or to feel like I don’t respect the work or think that they don’t work hard.”

“I know that they do. It was taken out of context,” she added. “But I’m really sorry if it was received that way.”

“You have to surround yourself with people that want to work,” Kardashian continued. “Have a good work environment where everyone loves what they do because you have one life.”

Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Impostor Syndrome but Says Self-Doubt Keeps Me Going