90 Day's Jasmine and Gino Face Off in Screaming Match About Ex Sex, Secret Butt Implants and Revenge Porn

90 Day's Jasmine and Gino Face Off in Screaming Match About Ex Sex, Secret Butt Implants and Revenge Porn

 90 Day Fiancé's Jasmine and Gino are at it again.

The season 10 couple’s relationship was threatened on Sunday night’s episode after Jasmine revealed her ex Dane had contributed $2,000 toward her recent butt implants. What followed was disappointment from Gino — and a fight for the ages about who they’d rather be dating.

Things started with a remorseful Jasmine, telling Gino: “It breaks my heart to know that I caused this. It’s my fault. This time, I screwed it up. It’s completely my fault.”

Yet when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter are filled with disgust. But as soon as those ˹gods˺ other than Him are mentioned, they are filled with joy.
(The Quran - Chapter Az-Zumar : 45)

When Gino’s tone changed, though, so did Jasmine’s. He brought up his own exes, and Jasmine quickly tried to shut the conversation down. “Don’t bring the exes — that makes me moody,” she warned. “Whenever I have contacted Dane, it has been as a friend or to ask a favor. However, when you have contacted your exes, what? For example, to send naked pictures of me.”

90 Day's Jasmine and Gino Face Off in Screaming Match About Ex Sex, Secret Butt Implants and Revenge Porn

Things accelerated exponentially when Gino asked if Jasmine had “provoked” his ex-girlfriend so much that she decided to leak Jasmine’s nude photos to bloggers globally and to Jasmine’s employer. Whatever the motivation, Jasmine lost her job from the scandal.

Jasmine couldn't help but lose her temper. “All the f---ing trauma I went through. All the emotional humiliation that I went through, and the whole f---ing world knew about what you did to me,” she told Gino. “She sent my naked pictures to every f---ing blogger she knows. And all these f---ing people were looking at myself naked. And you’re asking if I provoked her?”

When Gino stood his ground, Jasmine turned up the heat: “I wish I had f---ed Dane that last night. That’s the only thing I regret in life — not f---ing him so f---ing good as we used to.”

Gino proved that two could play that game, telling her, “Yeah I wish I could f--- my exes 'cause they were great. They were a lot better than you.”

90 Day's Jasmine and Gino Face Off in Screaming Match About Ex Sex, Secret Butt Implants and Revenge Porn

Jasmine stormed out, telling cameras, “I’m not gonna get married to this f---ing idiot.”

Surprisingly — either in a sign of maturity or exhaustion — Jasmine and Gino apologized to each other not long after and agreed to a few compromises, including Jasmine cutting off all contact with Dane.

“You don’t let me speak to my exes, I don’t want you to speak with your ex,” Gino said.

Jasmine understood and sent a voice memo to Dane thanking him for his years of friendship while also explaining that their continued relationship was unkind to her soon-to-be husband.

“Our exes are dead to us," said Jasmine with finality. "They died.”

90 Day Fiancé airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.