RHOSLC's Mary M. Cosby Told Her Son's Partner Don't Be Faking It After Hearing Them Have Sex

RHOSLC's Mary M. Cosby Told Her Son's Partner Don't Be Faking It After Hearing Them Have Sex

 Mary M. Cosby has a word of advice for her son Robert Jr. Cosby's wife!

On Tuesday's second installment of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 4 reunion, the former pastor, 51, revealed she still didn't believe her son was married after confronting him about the rumors swirling about his union.

Mary told host Andy Cohen that she wouldn't believe Robert Jr. was officially wed until he shows her the "paperwork."

those who listen to what is said and follow the best of it. These are the ones ˹rightly˺ guided by Allah, and these are ˹truly˺ the people of reason.
What about those against whom the decree of torment has been justified? Is it you ˹O Prophet˺ who will then save those bound for the Fire?
(The Quran - Chapter Az-Zumar : 18 - 19)

"I can’t even say it. I’m like, ‘Get your girlfriend.’ I keep calling her his girlfriend," she said, before admitting she created an environment where he felt he couldn't come clean about his marital status. "I was steadily telling him, ‘That’s not your wife.’"

Robert Jr. is 21-years-old, and Mary shared that she believed he was "way too young to be married."

RHOSLC's Mary M. Cosby Told Her Son's Partner Don't Be Faking It After Hearing Them Have Sex

Living with her son and his new wife has proven to be complicated for her. In unseen footage of how the trio have been faring under one roof, Mary told her makeup artist that Robert Jr. has been "doing his own thing with his girlfriend" and she's been disturbed by "all this noise" upstairs coming from their bedroom behind closed doors.

She then revealed that she confronted her son's significant other about the intimate noises she's heard. "I said, ‘Oh my gosh.' I said, ‘Don’t make my son think he’s better than he is. Stop doing all that. Stop playing with him. Stop it.’ Tell him the truth," she recalled.

When the flashback ended, she clarified her comments on the reunion and told Andy, "I didn't think he's bad in bed."

RHOSLC's Mary M. Cosby Told Her Son's Partner Don't Be Faking It After Hearing Them Have Sex

"I just told the wife or the girlfriend stop pretending," she explained. "Because I walked past their room and hear all this noise, all this screaming, and all this dramatic and I’m like, ‘It’s not this serious. Don’t give him a big head and think that he’s this really…’ You know? Come on."

While mimicking a loud orgasm, Mary recalled hearing a "yell." She said she was about to burst into the room to check if everyone was okay when she "got the point" before walking in and left "scarred."

"Be true to it. If it’s like that, then… but if it’s not, don’t make him think it is. Don’t be faking it. Yeah, that’s all," she added.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on Bravo.