Shannen Doherty Shares the Bucket List Trip Her Oncologist Made Happen as He Calls Her Fearless

Shannen Doherty Shares the Bucket List Trip Her Oncologist Made Happen as He Calls Her Fearless

Shannen Doherty is continuing to check off her "bucket list" at 52.

The Beverly Hills, 90210 alum shared in a new episode of her Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty podcast that she had "such a good time" taking a trip to Italy with her friend and oncologist, Dr. Lawrence Piro — her latest podcast guest.

Ṣãd. By the Quran, full of reminders!
˹This is the truth,˺ yet the disbelievers are ˹entrenched˺ in arrogance and opposition.
˹Imagine˺ how many peoples We destroyed before them, and they cried out when it was too late to escape.
(The Quran - Chapter Sad : 1- 3)

"You invited me on this amazing yacht with your family and I got to go to Italy with you, which was like bucket list," Doherty told Piro. "By the way, you knew it was on my bucket list. I mean you called me and you said, 'It's kind of bucket list, Shannen.' I was so excited."

Shannen Doherty Shares the Bucket List Trip Her Oncologist Made Happen as He Calls Her Fearless

Piro seconded Doherty's experience on the "amazing trip," as he reflected on the "amazing restaurants" and more he got to visit with both Doherty and his family. He also praised Doherty's adventurous spirit.

"And she was just, I mean she's incredible, jumping off of every level of the yacht. Even the highest. Shannen is fearless, she truly is," he added.

And while the actress admitted that she "did injure myself" on the yacht's stairs, she still fondly remembered their friendly get-away.

"That's the amazing thing, you jump off the highest point of this enormous yacht and you go to climb back on," she added. "I got scared of the jelly fish, so I went the long way and the dangerous way and that's when I gave myself that big bump on my leg."

Shannen Doherty Shares the Bucket List Trip Her Oncologist Made Happen as He Calls Her Fearless

Doherty, who has previously been candid about her stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her bones, used her latest podcast episode to detail her special friendship with Piro.

While the two also share a doctor-patient relationship, Piro explained on Let's Be Clear that they've "always kept our lanes separate."

"So when we're together socially as friends, it's a friend lane. When we're doing medical stuff, it's a medical lane," he said. "And you know, every once in a while those things have to cross over, but it's extremely rare."

"And you, for example, will never ask me anything medical when we're doing something social," Piro added. "Or if you have to, you'll say, 'Look, I'm really sorry for asking you this now, we're having dinner, but just blah blah blah blah.'"

Doherty, who explained she's been to dinners with Piro where she caught a glimpse of the influx of messages he gets on his phone, added that he seems to be "inundated 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

"You do not get a day off of medical questions. Your patients have your cell phone. You've given full access of yourself so when I'm able to steal you away and we go to dinner somewhere, I don't want to do that," she said. "If I have a question for you, I'll text you during business hours or I'll come into the clinic."