Jon Gosselin Says He Gained 35 Lbs. From His Late-Night Lifestyle as a DJ We Eat at Gas Stations

Jon Gosselin Says He Gained 35 Lbs. From His Late-Night Lifestyle as a DJ We Eat at Gas Stations

Jon Gosselin is opening up about how his career change started to take a toll on his health.

The Jon & Kate Plus 8 alum spoke to Entertainment Tonight and revealed that after quitting his daytime job to DJ several nights a week, he gained 35 lbs. when the new lifestyle led to him developing unhealthy habits.

"I just got complacent with my health," the 46-year-old told the outlet. "I'm in a comfortable relationship. I love my girlfriend, Stephanie. We just eat whatever we want, do whatever."

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I am only a man like you, ˹but˺ it has been revealed to me that your God is only One God. So take the Straight Way towards Him, and seek His forgiveness. And woe to the polytheists—
(The Quran - Chapter Fussilat : 06)

Gosselin said his schedule while DJing is the biggest issue, working from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. four to five nights a week. Because of the late hours, he said he often relies on unhealthy meals that he picks up from the gas station.

"I think it's very hard in our area. I mean, we live in Pennsylvania in a very rural area. We eat at gas stations," Gosselin said. "We got Wawa. But there are healthy choices there. It's just, like, three o'clock in the morning. What are you going to eat? You're exhausted. You have another hour to drive. You're just like, there's no hotel. You're nowhere to stop."

"I don't eat for like 12, 14 hours. So, I'll eat dinner at three o'clock in the morning, then drive to a gig," he added, noting that pizza is typically the most appetizing option.

Jon Gosselin Says He Gained 35 Lbs. From His Late-Night Lifestyle as a DJ We Eat at Gas Stations

Gosselin said years ago he lost 55 lbs., so now after his recent weight gain, he’s vowing to get to his goal weight of 175 lbs. He said he won’t be too disappointed if he doesn’t get there as long as he’s able to feel confident in his physique. The star added that because there’s a lot of temptation while traveling for work, he’s also more motivated to lose weight.

"Vegas and Miami. I go to awful places. I go to places where I am twice as big as everyone," Gosselin told the outlet. "I don't shop at Hugo Boss. They don't make my size. You gotta go to the back and sew two jackets together. There's no XL, you know what I mean? This is the first time I had to buy XL, and XL doesn't really fit me because I'm short. I'm 5'8. The sleeves are too long and all that stuff. You gotta have tailored clothing. Why should I go through that, when I can just change my lifestyle?"