From Struggles to Success: RHONJ Rachel Fuda Reveals the Secret Behind Their Enhanced Intimacy

RHONJ Star Rachel Fuda Says Husband John’s 50-Lb. Weight Loss 'Definitely Improved' Their Sex Life

 Rachel Fuda, star of Real Housewives of New Jersey, recently discussed the positive impact of her husband John Fuda's weight loss on their relationship, particularly their sex life, during an episode of PageSix’s Virtual Reali-Tea podcast.

Rachel, 32, enthusiastically shared that her husband's significant weight loss of 50 lbs. over the past 14 months has led to a noticeable increase in their sexual activity.

Describing her husband's newfound energy, Rachel humorously likened herself to the Energizer Bunny due to their heightened sexual encounters.

John achieved his weight loss through a combination of methods, including liposuction and peptide and hormone replacement therapy, which involved various IV treatments. Rachel jokingly speculated whether Viagra might be part of his treatment regimen.

She attributed the improvement in their sex life to John's slimming down, acknowledging that their intimacy has always been passionate but has now reached new levels due to his increased vitality and confidence.

Rachel's candid remarks highlight the positive effects of lifestyle changes on both physical health and intimate relationships.

RHONJ Star Rachel Fuda Says Husband John’s 50-Lb. Weight Loss 'Definitely Improved' Their Sex Life

In March, John spoke about his weight loss journey and the remarkable transformation he underwent. The businessman and entrepreneur, who shares three children—son Jaiden, 17, and daughters Gianella, 3, and Guiliana, 2—with his wife Rachel, revealed that he used to maintain a regular gym routine but fell out of the habit during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Explaining the factors that contributed to his weight gain, John mentioned the stress he experienced as the family's provider, especially while juggling responsibilities such as building a house, work commitments, and parenting. He admitted that stress led him to turn to unhealthy eating habits, consuming junk food along with his children.

As his weight reached 230 pounds, John recognized the need for a change and opted for liposuction performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Ingargiola in December 2022, just before the RHONJ season 13 reunion. While he was initially satisfied with the immediate results, shedding down to approximately 195 pounds, he realized that the procedure didn't necessarily improve his overall health.

Acknowledging that liposuction provided a temporary solution, John expressed a desire to focus on his holistic well-being and pursue long-term lifestyle changes to achieve lasting health benefits.

RHONJ Star Rachel Fuda Says Husband John’s 50-Lb. Weight Loss 'Definitely Improved' Their Sex Life

At 37 years old, John sought assistance from Jamie Gabel PA-C, a certified physician assistant specializing in creating wellness programs focused on injectable peptides and hormones. Under her guidance, John embarked on a regimen involving a combination of peptides and testosterone. Additionally, he utilized semaglutide, a prescription medication known by brand names Ozempic and Wegovy. Semaglutide is FDA-approved for individuals with type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity, acting on the brain to influence feelings of satiety.

John reported significant improvements in his overall well-being, noting increased energy levels and mobility. He successfully reintegrated into a regular routine, a task he found challenging previously. This routine comprised a balanced combination of dietary adjustments and physical exercise.

With dedication to his new lifestyle, John experienced rapid weight loss, dropping to 180 lbs. He emphasized the importance of individualized approaches, acknowledging that what worked for him might not be suitable for everyone. John attributed his success not only to the medication but also to concurrent lifestyle modifications, including cleaner eating habits and increased physical activity. Additionally, he noted a reduction in alcohol consumption, as the medication influenced his desire for alcohol.

In summary, John's holistic approach to his health, incorporating medication, dietary changes, and exercise, has yielded remarkable results, leading to enhanced overall well-being and a sense of optimal functioning.

The Quran - Chapter Muhammad : 31 - 32

We will certainly test you ˹believers˺ until We prove those of you who ˹truly˺ struggle ˹in Allah’s cause˺ and remain steadfast, and reveal how you conduct yourselves.

Indeed, those who disbelieve, hinder ˹others˺ from the Way of Allah, and defy the Messenger after ˹true˺ guidance has become clear to them; they will not harm Allah in the least, but He will render their deeds void.

When a man struggles for the cause of religion, he has to undergo different experiences, which are a test of his Faith: he must prove his steadfastness of belief by making sacrifices, crush his self, ignore his material interests, tolerate harassment; and remain steadfast in his devotion to God, even at the cost of his life and property. 

In order to place the believer in such circumstances, it is necessary for non-believers to have full freedom, so that they may indulge in all sorts of activities against the people of Faith. 

These activities, on the one hand, establish the guilt of opponents beyond doubt and, on the other, give the opportunity to the people of Faith to show that, by being steadfast in their Faith under the most trying circumstances, they are real believers and are entitled to be selected for the eternal afterlife in God’s ideal world.