Jesse Solomon Makes Hard To Care amid Testicular Cancer

Jesse Solomon The Summer House Star Makes  'Hard To Care' amid Testicular Cancer Concerns

 The May 16 episode of “Summer House” saw “a lot of tears shed over that weekend, some warranted and some not,” says star Jesse Solomon

“At the start of the episode,” Jesse explains, “I was nervous about my five-year cancer screening because I thought I felt a lump in my testicle.” 

“I don’t like being emotional,” he says, “so I told West Wilson, ‘What’s going on and it’s about Tuesday.’ 

He recently realized something was off-base, and he's an old buddy, so he asked what was happening. I was unable to hold it in any longer, so I told him."

According to Jesse, West, 28, “took it out of me really fast,” he explains. "I would have rather not discussed it."

Meanwhile, Kyle Cooke, 41, told Carl Radke, 35, and Danielle Olivera, 35, about how he felt when his better half Amanda Batula, 32, let him know she needed to seek after a side task that meant quite a bit to her than their organization, Loverboy.

Jesse Solomon The Summer House Star Makes  'Hard To Care' amid Testicular Cancer Concerns

"I could do without the manner in which Amanda addresses me, I truly do," Kyle said. He then burst into tears in the driveway as he told Danielle that he felt “defeated” and “really, really sad.” 

Later on in the episode, he spoke to Amanda by the pool and promised her that “I will be there for you.”

That weekend, Jesse was unaware of the extent of what was going on with Kyle and Amanda. 

"I didn't actually realize that Kyle was having a mental meltdown, yet I'd stay there each time he'd cry by the pool, and I'd simply gaze at him like, 'I can't trust he's crying at present,' " he reviews.

At 24 years old, Jesse went for a routine actual test and let his PCP know that he was feeling a "violent torment in my gonads."

His doctor suggested an ultrasound, and Jesse also requested an STD test. 

"I proceeded to pee in the cup and got the ultrasound and they summoned me right, and I was working and I missed the call and I thought, 'Good gracious, I have chlamydia, my life is finished, I must tell this young lady I'm seeing and it's the most obviously terrible thing I've at any point finished,' " Jesse reviews. "

Jesse Solomon The Summer House Star Makes  'Hard To Care' amid Testicular Cancer Concerns

At the point when I at long last reached out to the specialist, they let me know that I had a growth on my gonad that was in all probability disease and would should be eliminated.

It was a "enormous shock," says Jesse, and "I was truly terrified and stressed." His folks took care of the circumstance well and moved to New York to accompany him however much as could be expected.

"I needed to keep carrying on with an ordinary life," makes sense of Jesse. After the underlying determination, Jesse had one of his gonads eliminated and didn't require chemotherapy.

After a year, in any case, the malignant growth returned, and he began four rounds of chemotherapy. During the second round of chemo, Jesse started to lose his hair.

"It was truly extreme, however I had to deal with this previously, so I knew what's in store," says Jess. He likewise contracted a bug that deferred his chemo by seven days.

At the start of Jesse's third round of chemotherapy, he was sick with pneumonia and had to stay in the hospital multiple times. 

"The entire four rounds of chemotherapy was supposed to take three months, but it ended up taking around four," he says. 

"I had to go to the hospital multiple times before I was cleared. I had no eyebrows, no hair, was skinny fat, had lost muscle, and had lost veins, but all of that came back. 

After four years of healthy scans, Jesse went into Summer House season 8 with the goal of continuing his streak and celebrating five years cancer-free. 

"The doctor felt something, then I felt something, and both of those were abnormal," he tells West and Ciara over the phone on the May 16 episode.

Due to this, Jesse was required to have an ultrasound. “Everything was going great until I found the bump, and I really thought I was done,” he says. 

“Once you have chemo, your chances of recurrence go down from 13% to 2%, but when it happens twice, it’s 50/50, and I feel like I have PTSD. 

I was having fun with friends while I was waiting for the scan, but it was never going to help me.” That same weekend, he and his soon-to-be wife, Lindsay Hubbard, had their own drama when she brought up his career options again. 

Jesse Solomon The Summer House Star Makes  'Hard To Care' amid Testicular Cancer Concerns

“I want to be soft and gentle,” she said, to which Carl responded, “I hope I’ll always be soft and gentle.”

Later that weekend, Lindsay went with Danielle to grab lunch on their way back to NYC, leaving Carl alone to drive home alone. 

Lindsay said she needed some space, and Carl drove off without bringing her luggage. "Cancer has taught me that sometimes you just have to zoom out," Jesse says. 

"There's nothing wrong with being passionate or ambitious, but when things aren't going the way you want, it can be really freeing to just be alive and healthy, and not have to worry about your health.

At the end of the episode, Jesse is waiting for his test results, and he hints that he is feeling “good” today. 

“I’m healthy, happy, and I’m just trying to enjoy the moment.

 If I knew I was gonna be on summer house and living the best life possible at 30, it would have been so much easier, but I’ve gotten so many amazing messages from people saying, ‘Thank you for inspiring me to see a doctor,’ and I’ve been so busy and had to put it off for so long. 

It's been truly fulfilling, far superior to I figured it would be. That is one of the primary reasons I needed to be on the show, and I am so happy I summered!" House is on Bravo Thursdays at Hulu.

The Quran - Chapter Adh-Dhariyat : 34 - 37

marked by your Lord for the transgressors.”

Then ˹before the torment˺ We evacuated the believers from the city.

But We only found one family that had submitted ˹to Allah˺.

And We have left a sign there1 ˹as a lesson˺ for those who fear the painful punishment.

Small pebbles of baked clay would be sent down upon them: مُّسَوَّمَةً عِندَ رَ‌بِّكَ "marked, with your Lord, for the transgressors."... 51:34), that is, pebbles conspicuously marked by Allah. 

Some scholars say that each stone bore the name of the person with which he was to be destroyed, and if he ran in any particular direction, he was pursued by the same stone. 

Other verses say that these people were destroyed by Jibra'il's (علیہ السلام) turning their territory upside down. 

The two descriptions of the punishment are not mutually contradictory: Probably, the stoning incident took place first, and then the earth was turned upside down.