Kelly Hyland Opened Up About Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Chemotherapy

Kelly Hyland Opened Up About Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Chemotherapy

 Kelly Hyland, a Dance Moms actress, disclosed that she is currently undergoing chemotherapy after discovering a lump in her breast in late March.

In an interview with E! News, the 53-year-old reality star revealed her diagnosis of invasive carcinoma grade 3. "I booked myself a mammogram," Hyland said. "I had just had one done eight months prior and the results were clean. But this new mammogram and sonogram showed a mass."

She was shocked to learn that the cancer had developed so quickly. "I went from clean results to a malignant mass in eight months," she recounted. "I was shocked that it had grown that quickly and scared of the battle I knew I was about to face."

Kelly Hyland Opened Up About Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Chemotherapy

Hyland also mentioned that her first warning sign was significant weight loss. "People noticed my decrease in weight and asked for my dietary tips, but I didn't alter anything in my routine," she stated.

Announcing the devastating news to her children, Brooke (26), Paige (23), and Josh (24), was especially difficult. Hyland, who was in Florida at the time, had to inform her kids, who were in Pittsburgh, over a four-way phone call. "I wanted to tell them all at the same time to ensure they received the same information," she explained.

Her children remain hopeful, but they are aware of the tough journey ahead, especially after losing their grandmother to cancer in 2019. Hyland is now on the second of six chemotherapy rounds, to be followed by surgery, radiation, and eleven more treatments.

Kelly Hyland Opened Up About Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Chemotherapy

"The chemotherapy sessions are around 10 hours long, so I don't want to rely on just one person to accompany me," she noted. Hyland is staying with her older sister, Carrie Matarazzo, and Carrie's husband, Dom, while she receives treatment in Pittsburgh. Her fellow Dance Moms stars have also been very supportive.

Despite her diagnosis, Hyland continues to film her podcasts, Dear Dance Mom... and Back to the Barre, to maintain a sense of normalcy. "The hardest part for me has been seeking help from others," she stated. "I'm used to being the caregiver, not the one being looked after. I hate feeling like I'm bothering anyone, but I know I have to accept aid since I'm lucky to have people willing to help me at this time."

The Quran - Chapter An-Najm : 36 - 37

Or has he not been informed of what is in the Scripture of Moses,

and ˹that of˺ Abraham, who ˹perfectly˺ fulfilled ˹his covenant˺?

أَمْ لَمْ يُنَبَّأْ بِمَا فِي صُحُفِ مُوسَىٰ وَإِبْرَ‌اهِيمَ الَّذِي وَفَّىٰ (Has he not been told of what was [ revealed ] in the scriptures of Musa and of Ibrahim who fulfilled [ his covenant ]?... 53:36- 37) In verse [ 37], the Prophet Ibrahim I has been described by the expression waffa which is derived from the root word wafa' and it means to fulfill faithfully the covenant one has made with someone.

Special Characteristic of Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) : fulfillment of Covenant

Holy Prophet Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) had a covenant with Allah that he will obey Him and convey His Message to all the people. 

He fulfilled faithfully the covenant: He obeyed Allah and delivered His Message to His creatures. As a result, he was made to pass through severe trials and tribulations. 

This is the interpretation placed upon the expression waffa (fulfilled) by Ibn Jarir, Ibn Kathir and others.