Khloé Kardashian Opens Up About Emotional Eating Journey Before Weight Loss: ‘I Would Feel So Good Eating

Khloé Kardashian Opens Up About Emotional Eating Journey Before Weight Loss ‘I Would Feel So Good Eating

 Khloé Kardashian is opening up about her relationship with her body.

"I've struggled with weight for a significant portion of my life," the 39-year-old reality star revealed on Tuesday's episode of the health and wellness podcast, SheMD with Dr. Thaïs Aliabadi and Mary Alice Haney.

Reflecting on her weight loss journey, Kardashian shared, "It was a long process for me. I've always been on the heavier side—kind of athletic. I've been involved in sports, but I never felt truly fit."

She admitted to having to "reprogram" her thinking regarding food choices and dietary habits. However, this often led her to experiment with various fad diets, or what she described as "lifestyle changes."

Khloé Kardashian Opens Up About Emotional Eating Journey Before Weight Loss ‘I Would Feel So Good Eating

"I started by eliminating certain foods, like sodas, gradually cutting them out of my diet," Khloé explained. "I would eliminate one thing at a time, doing it for a week, then moving on to the next. I realized I had tried every diet imaginable when I was younger."

She acknowledged that emotional eating was a significant challenge for her. "Afterward, I would always feel guilty," she admitted. "I would feel so good while eating, but then so terrible afterward."

"Exactly," agreed host Haney.

"It became a vicious cycle," Khloé continued. "I would feel sad, eat ice cream, feel guilty, and then repeat the cycle. But I learned to be patient with myself and take things one step at a time."

Khloé Kardashian Opens Up About Emotional Eating Journey Before Weight Loss ‘I Would Feel So Good Eating

During her pregnancy with daughter True in 2018, Kardashian reflected, "I weighed 204 pounds when I gave birth, and I remember thinking, 'How am I going to manage this again?' It had taken me so many years to achieve my weight loss the first time around. However, armed with the knowledge and tools I had acquired, I was able to shed my pregnancy weight much more quickly than my previous weight loss journey."

"I felt incredibly proud of myself," she added. "To accomplish it twice was a major achievement."

Presently, the Good American founder maintains a rigorous workout routine, exercising five days a week with a combination of cardiovascular intervals and weightlifting.

"I enjoy it," she remarked. "If I have a photo shoot coming up, I'll incorporate Pilates into my routine as well. But now that I'm content with my body, I have more flexibility with my diet. I eat what I want, but because I've trained my brain, I naturally gravitate towards healthier choices. I no longer crave junk food like I used to."

Acknowledging her weakness for pizza, she admitted, "But now, I have the self-control not to indulge in an entire pizza. It's about reprogramming your brain. If your mind isn't aligned with your body, then your efforts are futile. It's all about mindset."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Hujurat : 01

O believers! Do not proceed ˹in any matter˺ before ˹a decree from˺ Allah and His Messenger. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

To hold one’s opinion superior to that of the Prophet is forbidden. During the life of the Prophet Muhammad, this attitude on the part of an addressee took the shape of indulgence in verbosity at his meetings, the object being to excel the Prophet’s discourse. 

Subsequently, this meant the forming of opinions in disregard of the guiding principles laid down by God and His Prophet. 

This sort of lapse occurs because man forgets that God is keeping a watch over him. If he came to know that his utterances reached God before they reached other human beings, he would prefer to remain silent rather than talk.