Remi Bader Workout Routine & Jaw Drop Body Transformation

Remi Bader Workout Routine & Jaw Drop Body Transformation

 Remi Bader is sharing her outcomes of putting her health first with pride.

The body-positive model and content creator shared a video of her gym accomplishments on Instagram on May 21.

The 29-year-old gives up on a core exercise in the "before" video after struggling with it for a while and shaking her head in anger. She successfully completes the same workout in the "after" video.

“The difference a few months of focusing on my mental, emotional, and physical strength can make,” Bader wrote over the video. “This isn’t about weight, looks, or appearance. It’s about putting myself first and finding myself again. Always put yourself first.”

Remi Bader Workout Routine & Jaw Drop Body Transformation

In her caption, she added, “People come and go, so remember you only have YOU at the end of the day 🩷. Thank you to those always supporting me through my darkest and brightest moments.”

Bader's path to improved health has been a noteworthy one. In a September 2023 TikTok video, she openedly admitted that she was having trouble with binge eating. She explained that she reacted by "eating, eating, eating, eating" following an extremely emotional day.

Three percent of adult Americans, according to WebMD, suffer from binge-eating disorder, which is typified by excessive feasting and an inability to quit, even after one is full.

As an ambassador for Victoria's Secret, Bader dispelled the myth that emotional eating disorders are the only causes of binge eating. It is not like I am depressed. I have a really wonderful, content life," she remarked.

Remi Bader Workout Routine & Jaw Drop Body Transformation

“This addiction is the only thing I can go to for comfort,” Bader explained.

Despite making progress over the years, Bader admitted she still struggles with self-criticism during setbacks."I was aware of my plan of action. She uttered, "I wanted to self-sabotage, I wanted to eat, and I wanted to be alone." "It is just the most peculiar thinking,"

Nevertheless, Bader remains optimistic. “It’s a new day… it happened, it’s over,” she said.

The Quran - Chapter An-Najm : 22

Then this is ˹truly˺ a biased distribution!

قِسْمَةٌ ضِيزَىٰ (If so, it is a totally unjust division.... 53:22) " Diza means to act or behave unjustly or to defraud one of one's right or due. Therefore, Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ interprets the phrase as unjust or unfair division.