Sara Sidner Enters into Double Mastectomy Phase in Breast Cancer Journey

Sara Sidner Enters into Double Mastectomy Phase in Breast Cancer Journey

In her fight against cancer, Sara Sidner is making improvements. The 51-year-old CNN anchor is presently receiving treatment after obtaining a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis in October 2023. To improve her odds of survival, she proclaimed that on Wednesday, May 22, she would have a double mastectomy.

"Even after receiving chemotherapy for five months, I still have cancer. A double mastectomy is the next step, Sidner revealed on CNN's broadcast on May 21.

She went on, "According to a 2016 study, 90.3% of patients who undergo bilateral mastectomy survive for ten years." "I am having surgery tomorrow and will be out recovering for a few weeks because I like those odds."

While Sidner did not specify when she would return to her role at CNN, she remarked, “What I have learned so far in my cancer journey is treating it is more a marathon than a sprint.”

Her responsibilities will be assumed by Kate Bolduan and John Berman, who have been co-anchoring CNN News Central since April 2023.

In an interview, Sidner talked back on receiving her diagnosis and how it took her a few days to deal with feelings of helplessness and digest the news on her own. She eventually made the decision to fight the cancer with everything she had.

"I recently made a choice. I'm like, 'No, you're not planning to die; you're going to stop this and make use of every opportunity available to you to get through this.Period.' And I have been so much happier in my life since ... I mean happier than I was before cancer," she said.

Despite her diagnosis, the CNN senior national correspondent has continued to fulfill work commitments and attend events while undergoing chemotherapy, though she has noticed some changes in her energy levels.

"I am fatigued and I am slower, and I have to be more thoughtful about how I take care of myself," she shared in January.

Sidner wants to inspire others to put their health first by sharing her experience. Citing the statistic that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, she underlined the significance of routine health examinations.

"I don't put my personal stuff out there that often, but I can do something for someone because I have cancer. I can warn somebody," she said. "To all my sisters, Black, White, and Brown: Please, for the love of God, do your checks yourself. ... Don't play with this, just please try to catch it before I did."

The Quran - Chapter At-Tur : 44 - 47

If they were to see a ˹deadly˺ piece of the sky fall down ˹upon them˺, still they would say, “˹This is just˺ a pile of clouds.”

So leave them until they face their Day in which they will be struck dead—

the Day their scheming will be of no benefit to them whatsoever, nor will they be helped.

Also, the wrongdoers will certainly have another torment before that ˹Day˺, but most of them do not know.

Why were the people of ancient Makkah so inclined that, wherever they saw God’s punitive devices falling from the sky, they would say that it was only a cloud? The reason for this was not that they did not accept God or His powers. 

The real reason for this was that they were doubtful of the Prophet really being a prophet. 

They were not convinced that the rejection of the person who was before them and who was apparently just like them could be so great a crime as to bring down a mountain of destruction upon them. 

The personality of the Prophet Muhammad was a matter of controversy among his contemporaries. He had at that time no established reputation, as it would seem to people today. 

But, it is the real test of man that he should see the reality by tearing asunder the veils of doubt. He should be able to discover the essence of the established personality in the apparently controversial personality.