Sophia Bush Takes Proactive Health Measures Gets Cancer Test as Birthday Gift

Sophia Bush Takes Proactive Health Measures Gets Cancer Test as Birthday Gift

 Sophia Bush shared that a viral illness that hospitalized her last year motivated her to “take more proactive control of my health.”

Before her birthday, Bush decided to “treat myself to something special, just for me” by undergoing comprehensive medical tests, including the advanced Galleri blood test that screens for cancer.

“Instead of planning a trip or an adventure, I chose to gift myself an inward journey,” wrote Bush, who turned 42 on July 8, in an Instagram post featuring photos from her thorough check-up at Sollis Health, a members-only healthcare clinic. Bush, a Sollis partner, acknowledged her paid partnership in a comment and addressed the issue of healthcare access, writing, "Everyone deserves this!"

The actress, who left the London West End production of 2:22 A Ghost Story last June due to a viral illness, recounted that during her hospitalization, “People were trying to convince me it was ‘anxiety’ or ‘all in my head due to stress.’”

“Women are often ignored, demeaned, or not treated seriously because of medical bias, leading to undiagnosed illnesses. It’s even worse for women of color!” she wrote.

Sophia Bush Takes Proactive Health Measures Gets Cancer Test as Birthday Gift

This experience prompted the One Tree Hill alum to take more proactive control of her health, especially after witnessing health scares among her close friends. She mentioned her best friend’s little sister dying of colon cancer at 37 and another friend undergoing a double mastectomy at 42.

“I wanted to know everything about my own body,” she wrote, detailing that she underwent extensive lab tests and the Galleri test, which screens for up to 50 types of cancer, according to the Cleveland Clinic

“They made me feel empowered & gave me snacks. They also helped me find in-network specialists for my asthma and physical therapy for stunt injuries,” Bush added.

Sophia Bush Takes Proactive Health Measures Gets Cancer Test as Birthday Gift

The Galleri test alone can cost up to $949, leading some commenters to criticize her post as “tone deaf” amid widespread financial struggles. One commenter noted, “This type of care is so incredibly privileged.”

Addressing access issues, Bush emphasized, “As we advocate for healthcare and remind you to vote like your lives depend on it (they do!), it’s meaningful to meet like-minded folks to learn with and discuss plans to bring the best medical treatments to everyone.”

The Quran - Chapter Al-Mujadila : 13

Are you afraid of spending in charity before your private consultations ˹with him˺? Since you are unable to do so, and Allah has turned to you in mercy, then ˹continue to˺ establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.