Top Chef Alum Shirley Chung Revealed Tongue Cancer Diagnosed Following Dental Issues

Top Chef Alum Shirley Chung Revealed Tongue Cancer Diagnosed Following Dental Issues

Celebrity chef Shirley Chung has opened up about her stage 4 tongue cancer diagnosis.

On July 26, the 47-year-old Top Chef alum shared an emotional update on Instagram, revealing her cancer diagnosis following a series of dental issues, including a severe tongue bite and a fractured tooth that required extraction. Initially, her problems were thought to be caused by teeth grinding.

"At the end of May, ulcers erupted in my mouth, and my oral surgeon discovered a hidden tumor under my tongue," Chung wrote. "A few days later, I was diagnosed with stage 4 tongue cancer, as the cancer had also spread to my lymph nodes. I remained calm when the doctors delivered the news. As a chef, I thrive under pressure and focused on getting all the necessary tests and scans done quickly to start treatment."

Chung, a finalist on seasons 11 and 14 of Top Chef, said that on June 2, she met with lead oncologist Dr. Allen Ho at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to discuss her treatment plan.

Top Chef Alum Shirley Chung Revealed Tongue Cancer Diagnosed Following Dental Issues

"I broke down, crying, trying to ask questions but physically couldn’t. All I heard was 'option 1, surgery, 100% removal of your tongue,’” she recalled. Her husband, Jimmy, held it together for both of them, asking if there was any way she could keep her tongue and what the survival rates would be.

Doctors mentioned a “unicorn case” at the University of Chicago where a patient was cured through radiation and chemotherapy.

"Higher survival rate or keep my tongue? I chose to keep my tongue. I am a fighter, I am a chef, I can be that unicorn too," Chung said. "I just finished six weeks of chemo (and have many more to go), going to the hospital four times a week for injections. It’s like a full-time job. My tumor is shrinking, my speech is much better, and I can eat most normal foods now."

"I am learning to lean on others, to let go, to be more vulnerable," she continued. "It took me two weeks to decide to tell my parents about my cancer. Only my close circle of friends and my sister knew until now. I am learning that it's okay to not be okay 2% of the time. I have a tough road to recovery ahead of me. Your love and support will carry me through. Cheer me on; Shirley Chung 2.0 will be reborn in 2025!"

Chung’s post included a video and photos of her shaving her hair, surrounded by loved ones. After starting to lose her hair during cancer treatments, the celebrity chef said in a video that shaving it off herself was better mentally than "pulling it off in the morning."

“It’s kinda sexy,” she joked.

Top Chef Alum Shirley Chung Revealed Tongue Cancer Diagnosed Following Dental Issues

In the comments, Chung received many well wishes from fans and fellow celebrity chefs.

Delicious Miss Brown host Kardea Brown wrote, “We met you the day before you received your treatment plan... but we had no clue about the battle you were fighting. You cooked for us that night and had the biggest smile on your face the entire time 🥹... Shirley, that speaks volumes about your character! We are praying for you and thanking God in advance for remission and total healing! We love you ❤️”

“You are inspiring and strong. ❤️,” added Next Level Chef judge and mentor Richard Blais.

Top Chef star Gregory Gourdet also commented, “You are so strong and gorgeous. You have the spirit of a fighter. See you when you kick this thing’s ass! Love you!!💪🏾♥️”

Top Chef Alum Shirley Chung Revealed Tongue Cancer Diagnosed Following Dental Issues

Chung later expressed her appreciation for the kind messages, writing that she was overwhelmed by the love and support.

“I will be the unicorn 🦄,” she said. “I am reading each and every one of your comments, taking everything in. Thank you for sharing your stories with me; we will take on the fight together 🔥🔥🔥”

The Quran - Chapter At-Taghabun : 06

That was because their messengers used to come to them with clear proofs, but they said ˹mockingly˺, “How can humans be our guides?” So they persisted in disbelief and turned away. And Allah was not in need ˹of their faith˺. For Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.